Gravitational Lensing Code Library
No Matches
Lens Member List

This is the complete list of members for Lens, including all inherited members.

clearMainHalo(bool verbose=false)Lens
clearMainHalos(bool verbose=false)Lens
find_image_min(Point &p, double zs, PosType ytol2, PosType &dy2, bool use_image_guess)Lens
find_image_min(const RAY &in_ray, PosType ytol2)Lens
find_image_min(Point &p, double zs, PosType ytol2, PosType &dy2, std::vector< Point_2d > &boundary)Lens
find_images(Point_2d y_source, double z_source, Point_2d center, double range, double stop_res)Lens
find_images(GridMap &init_grid, Point_2d y_source, double z_source, double stop_res)Lens
find_images_min_parallel(std::vector< RAY > &rays, double ytol2, std::vector< bool > &success) (defined in Lens)Lens
FindSourcePlane(PosType zs, long &jmax, double &Dls, double &Ds)Lens
get_plane_redshifts() (defined in Lens)Lensinline
getAngDistLens() constLensinline
getCenter() const (defined in Lens)Lensinline
getFieldMinMass() constLensinline
getfieldOff() const (defined in Lens)Lensinline
getfov() constLensinline
getMainHalo(std::size_t i)Lensinline
getMainHalo(std::size_t i)Lensinline
getNMainHalos() constLensinline
getNMainHalos() constLensinline
getNplanes() constLensinline
getSigmaCrit(PosType zsource) constLensinline
getSourceZ() (defined in Lens)Lensinline
getZlens() constLensinline
getZmax() const (defined in Lens)Lensinline
info_rayshooter(RAY &i_point, std::vector< Point_2d > &ang_positions, std::vector< KappaType > &kappa_on_planes, std::vector< std::vector< LensHalo * > > &halo_neighbors, LensHalo &halo_max, KappaType &kappa_max, KappaType gamma_max[], PosType rmax, int tag=0, short mode=0, bool verbose=false)Lens
insertMainHalo(const T &halo_in, bool addplanes, bool verbose=false)Lensinline
insertMainHalos(std::vector< T > &my_halos, bool addplanes, bool verbose=false)Lensinline
Lens(long *seed, PosType z_source, CosmoParamSet cosmoset, bool verbose=false)Lens
Lens(long *seed, PosType z_source, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo, bool verbose=false) (defined in Lens)Lens
Lens(Lens &&lens) (defined in Lens)Lensinline
mass_on_planes(const std::vector< RAY > &rays, std::vector< double > &masses, bool verbose=false)Lens
moveinMainHalo(T &halo_in, bool addplanes, bool verbose=false)Lensinline
operator=(Lens &&lens)Lensinline
rayshooter(RAY &ray)Lens
rayshooterInternal(unsigned long Npoints, Point *i_points, bool RSIverbose=false)Lens
rayshooterInternal(unsigned long Npoints, LinkedPoint *i_points, std::vector< double > &source_zs, bool RSIverbose=false)Lens
rayshooterInternal(unsigned long Npoints, RAY *rays)Lens
rayshooterInternal(RAY &ray) (defined in Lens)Lens
replaceMainHalo(const T &halo_in, bool addplanes, bool verbose=false)Lensinline
replaceMainHalos(std::vector< T > &my_halos, bool verbose)Lensinline
resetFieldHalos(bool verbose=false)Lens
resetFieldNplanes(std::size_t field_Nplanes, bool verbose=false)Lens
ResetSourcePlane(PosType z, bool nearest=false, bool verbose=false)Lens
setfov(PosType fov) (defined in Lens)Lensinline
TurnFieldOn() (defined in Lens)Lensinline
~Lens() (defined in Lens)Lens