Gravitational Lensing Code Library
This is the complete list of members for LensHaloNFW, including all inherited members.
alpha_ell(PosType x, PosType theta) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protectedvirtual |
alpha_h(PosType x) const | LensHaloNFW | inlineprotectedvirtual |
alpha_int(PosType x) const | LensHalo | protected |
alphakappagamma1asym(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType alpha[2], PosType *kappa, PosType gamma[], PosType *phi) | LensHalo | protectedvirtual |
alphakappagamma2asym(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType alpha[2], PosType *kappa, PosType gamma[], PosType *phi) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protectedvirtual |
alphakappagamma3asym(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType alpha[2], PosType *kappa, PosType gamma[], PosType *phi) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protectedvirtual |
alphakappagamma_asym(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType alpha[], PosType *kappa, PosType gamma[], PosType *phi) | LensHalo | protectedvirtual |
alphaNFW(PosType *alpha, PosType *x, PosType Rtrunc, PosType mass, PosType r_scale, PosType *center, PosType Sigma_crit) | LensHaloNFW | |
analModes(int modnumber, PosType my_beta, PosType q, PosType amod[3]) | LensHalo | protected |
assignParams(InputParams ¶ms) | LensHaloNFW | protected |
LensHalo::assignParams(InputParams ¶ms, bool needRsize) | LensHalo | protected |
beta (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
bfunction(PosType x) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
bnumfunction(PosType x) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inlineprotectedvirtual |
calcModes(double q, double beta, double rottheta, PosType newmod[]) | LensHalo | protected |
calcModesB(PosType x, double q, double beta, double rottheta, PosType newmod[]) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
calcModesC(PosType beta_r, double q, double rottheta, PosType newmod[]) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
compareZ(PosType z) | LensHalo | inline |
count | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
dbfunction(PosType x) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
ddbfunction(PosType x) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
dddhfunction(PosType x, bool numerical) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
ddhfunction(PosType x, bool numerical) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
ddmoddb(int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
ddmoddq(int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
dgfunctiondx(PosType x) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
dhfunction(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
displayPos() | LensHalo | inline |
Dist (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
dmoddb(int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
dmoddq(int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
elliptical_flag (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
error_message1(std::string name, std::string filename) | LensHalo | protected |
faxial(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType f[]) | LensHalo | protected |
faxial0(PosType theta, PosType f0[]) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
faxial1(PosType theta, PosType f1[]) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
faxial2(PosType theta, PosType f2[]) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
felliptical(PosType x, PosType q, PosType theta, PosType f[], PosType g[]) | LensHalo | protected |
ffunction(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
force_halo(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0) | LensHalo | virtual |
force_halo_asym(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0) | LensHalo | protected |
force_halo_sym(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0) | LensHalo | protected |
force_point(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, PosType rcm2, bool subtract_point, PosType screening) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
fourier_coeff(double n, double q, double beta) | LensHalo | protected |
fratio (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
ftable | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
g2function(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | |
g2table (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
gamma_asym(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType gamma[]) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protectedvirtual |
gamma_h(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inlineprotectedvirtual |
gammaNFW(KappaType *gamma, PosType *x, PosType Rtrunc, PosType mass, PosType r_scale, PosType *center, PosType Sigma_crit) | LensHaloNFW | |
get_flag_elliptical() | LensHalo | inline |
get_mass() const | LensHalo | inline |
get_mod() | LensHalo | inline |
get_Nmod() | LensHalo | inlinestatic |
get_Rmax() const | LensHalo | inline |
get_rscale() const | LensHalo | inline |
get_rsize() (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
get_slope() | LensHalo | inlinevirtual |
get_switch_flag() (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
getDist() const | LensHalo | inline |
getEllipMethod() const | LensHalo | inline |
getID() const (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
getParam(std::size_t p) const | LensHalo | virtual |
getRsize() const | LensHalo | inline |
getTheta(PosType *MyPosHalo) const | LensHalo | inline |
getX(PosType *MyPosHalo) const | LensHalo | inline |
getZlens() const | LensHalo | inline |
gfunction(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
gradial(PosType r, PosType g[]) | LensHalo | protected |
gradial2(PosType r, PosType mu, PosType sigma, PosType g[]) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
gtable (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
hfunction(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | |
htable (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
IDAXDM(double lambda, double a2, double b2, double x[], double rmax, double mo) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
IDAYDM(double lambda, double a2, double b2, double x[], double rmax, double mo) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
initFromFile(float my_mass, long *seed, float vmax, float r_halfmass) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
initFromMassFunc(float my_mass, float my_Rsize, float my_rscale, PosType my_slope, long *seed) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |
InterpolateFromTable(PosType *table, PosType y) const | LensHaloNFW | protected |
InterpolateModes(int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | protectedvirtual |
kappa_asym(PosType x, PosType theta) | LensHalo | protectedvirtual |
kappa_h(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inlineprotectedvirtual |
kappaNFW(PosType *x, PosType Rtrunc, PosType mass, PosType r_scale, PosType *center, PosType Sigma_crit) | LensHaloNFW | |
LensHalo() | LensHalo | |
LensHalo(PosType z, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | |
LensHalo(const LensHalo &h) | LensHalo | |
LensHalo(LensHalo &&h) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
LensHaloNFW() | LensHaloNFW | |
LensHaloNFW(float my_mass, float my_Rsize, PosType my_zlens, float my_concentration, float my_fratio, float my_pa, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo, EllipMethod my_ellip_method=EllipMethod::Pseudo) | LensHaloNFW | |
LensHaloNFW(const LensHaloNFW &h) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inline |
LensHaloNFW(const LensHaloNFW &&h) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inline |
main_ellip_method (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
make_tables() | LensHaloNFW | protected |
map_variables(LensingVariable lensvar, size_t Nx, size_t Ny, double res) | LensHalo | |
mass (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
mass_norm_factor | LensHalo | protected |
MassBy1DIntegation(PosType R) | LensHalo | |
MassBy2DIntegation(PosType R) | LensHalo | |
maxrm | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
mnorm (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
mod (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
mod1 (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
mod2 (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
modtable (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
Nmod (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protectedstatic |
norm_int(PosType r_max) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
Nparams() const | LensHalo | virtual |
NTABLE | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
operator=(const LensHaloNFW &h) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inline |
operator=(const LensHaloNFW &&h) (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inline |
LensHalo::operator=(const LensHalo &h) | LensHalo | |
LensHalo::operator=(LensHalo &&h) | LensHalo | |
operator[](int i) const | LensHalo | inline |
pa (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
phi_h(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inlineprotectedvirtual |
phi_int(PosType x) const (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | inlineprotectedvirtual |
printCSV(std::ostream &, bool header=false) const | LensHalo | virtual |
r_eps (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
renormalization(PosType r_max) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | |
Rmax (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
Rmax_to_Rsize_ratio | LensHalo | protected |
rscale | LensHalo | protected |
Rsize (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
SCHRAMMI(double x[], double rmax) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
SCHRAMMJN(double n, double x[], double rmax) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
SCHRAMMKN(double n, double x[], double rmax) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
set_flag_elliptical(bool ell) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
set_mass(float my_mass) | LensHalo | inline |
set_norm_factor() (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
set_rscale(float my_rscale) | LensHalo | inlinevirtual |
set_rscaleXmax(float my_rscale) | LensHaloNFW | inline |
set_rsize(float my_rsize) | LensHalo | inline |
set_RsizeRmax(float my_Rsize) | LensHalo | inlinevirtual |
set_RsizeXmax(float my_Rsize) | LensHaloNFW | inline |
set_slope(PosType my_slope) | LensHalo | inlinevirtual |
set_switch_flag(bool swt) | LensHalo | inline |
setCosmology(const COSMOLOGY &cosmo) | LensHalo | inlinevirtual |
setDist(COSMOLOGY &co) | LensHalo | inline |
setID(size_t id) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
setMass(PosType m) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
setParam(std::size_t p, PosType value) | LensHalo | virtual |
setRsize(PosType R) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
setTheta(PosType PosX, PosType PosY) | LensHalo | inline |
setTheta(PosType *PosXY) | LensHalo | inline |
setTheta(const Point_2d &p) | LensHalo | inline |
setZlens(PosType my_zlens, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo) | LensHalo | inline |
setZlensDist(PosType my_zlens, const COSMOLOGY &cos) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | inline |
switch_flag (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
tag (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | |
test() | LensHalo | |
test_average_gt(PosType R) | LensHalo | |
test_average_kappa(PosType R) (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | |
xgtable (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
xmax (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | protected |
xtable (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | protectedstatic |
~LensHalo() (defined in LensHalo) | LensHalo | virtual |
~LensHaloNFW() (defined in LensHaloNFW) | LensHaloNFW | virtual |