Gravitational Lensing Code Library
This is the complete list of members for Observation, including all inherited members.
AddNoise(PixelMap< T > &pmap, PixelMap< T > &error_map, Utilities::RandomNumbers_NR &ran, bool dummy) | Observation | |
ApplyPSF(PixelMap< T > &map_in, PixelMap< T > &map_out) (defined in Obs) | Obs | |
coaddPSF(double f, double theta1, double theta2, double scale_x, double scale_y) (defined in Obs) | Obs | |
Convert(PixelMap< T > &map_in, PixelMap< T > &map_out, PixelMap< T > &error_map, bool psf, bool noise, Utilities::RandomNumbers_NR &ran, bool cosmic=false) | Observation | |
CorrelateNoise(PixelMap< T > &pmap) (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
counts_to_mag(double flux) const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
downsample(PixelMap< T > &map_in, PixelMap< T > &map_out) const (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
getBackgroundNoise(float resolution, UnitType unit=UnitType::counts_x_sec) const | Observation | |
getBackgroundNoise() const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
getBackMag() const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
getExpNum() const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
getExpTime() const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
getNxInput() const (defined in Obs) | Obs | inline |
getNxOutput() const (defined in Obs) | Obs | inline |
getNyInput() const (defined in Obs) | Obs | inline |
getNyOutput() const (defined in Obs) | Obs | inline |
getPixelSize() const (defined in Obs) | Obs | inline |
getPSF() (defined in Obs) | Obs | inline |
getRon() const | Observation | inline |
getSeeing() const | Observation | inline |
getZeropoint() const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
mag_to_counts(double m) const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
Npix_x_input (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
Npix_x_output (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
Npix_y_input (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
Npix_y_output (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
Obs(size_t Npix_xx, size_t Npix_yy, double pix_size, int oversample, float seeing=0) (defined in Obs) | Obs | |
Observation(Telescope tel_name, double exposure_time, int exposure_num, size_t Npix_x, size_t Npix_y, float oversample) | Observation | |
Observation(float diameter, float transmission, float exp_time, int exp_num, float back_mag, float read_out_noise, size_t Npix_x, size_t Npix_y, double pix_size, float seeing=0.) | Observation | |
Observation(float diameter, float transmission, float exp_time, int exp_num, float back_mag, float read_out_noise, std::string psf_file, size_t Npix_x, size_t Npix_y, double pix_size, float oversample=1.) | Observation | |
Observation(float zeropoint_mag, float exp_time, int exp_num, float back_mag, float read_out_noise, size_t Npix_x, size_t Npix_y, double pix_size, float seeing=0) | Observation | |
Observation(float zeropoint_mag, float exp_time, int exp_num, float back_mag, float read_out_noise, std::string psf_file, size_t Npix_x, size_t Npix_y, double pix_size, float oversample=1.) | Observation | |
pix_size (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
psf_oversample (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
rotatePSF(double theta, double scale_x=1, double scale_y=1) (defined in Obs) | Obs | |
seeing (defined in Obs) | Obs | protected |
setExpTime(float time) | Observation | inline |
setNoiseCorrelation(std::string nc_file) (defined in Obs) | Obs | |
setPixelSize(float pixel_size) (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
setPSF(std::string psf_file, double resolution=0) (defined in Obs) | Obs | |
setPSF(PixelMap< T > &psf_map) (defined in Obs) | Obs | |
setSeeing(double s) (defined in Obs) | Obs | inline |
setZeropoint(double zpoint) (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
zeropoint() const (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |
~Obs() (defined in Obs) | Obs | inlinevirtual |
~Observation() (defined in Observation) | Observation | inline |