Gravitational Lensing Code Library
This is the complete list of members for TreeQuadParticles< PType >, including all inherited members.
_BuildQTreeNB(IndexType nparticles, IndexType *particles) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
alpha_h(PosType r2s2, PosType sigma) const (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
b_spline_profile(PosType *xcm, PosType r, PosType Mass, PosType size, PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi) const (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
BuildQTreeNB(PType *xp, IndexType Nparticles) (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
CalcMoments() (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
cuttoffscale(QTreeNB< PType > *tree, PosType *theta) (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
exponential_profile(PosType *xcm, PosType rcm2, PosType Mass, PosType size, PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi) const (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
force2D(PosType const *ray, PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi) const | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | |
force2D_recur(const PosType *ray, PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | |
force_theta (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
gamma_h(PosType r2s2, PosType sigma) const (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
inbox(const PosType *ray, const PosType *p1, const PosType *p2) (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
incell (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
incell2 (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
index (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
inv_area (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
inv_screening_scale2 (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
kappa_h(PosType r2s2, PosType sigma) const (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
mass_fixed (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
max_range (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
MultiMass (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
MultiRadius (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
Nbucket (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
neighbors(PosType ray[], PosType rmax, std::list< IndexType > &neighbors) const | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | |
Nparticles (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
original_xl (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
original_yl (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
periodic_buffer | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
phi_h(PosType r2s2, PosType sigma) const (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
phiintconst (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
printBranchs(int level=-1) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | |
printParticlesInBranch(unsigned long number) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | |
realray (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
rotate_coordinates(PosType **coord) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
size_fixed (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
tree (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
TreeQuadParticles(PType *xpt, IndexType Npoints, float mass_fixed=-1, float size_fixed=-1, PosType my_inv_area=0, int bucket=5, PosType theta_force=0.1, bool my_periodic_buffer=false, PosType my_inv_screening_scale=0, PosType maximum_range=-1) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | |
walkTree_iter(QBiterator< PType > &treeit, PosType const *ray, PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi) const (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
walkTree_recur(QBranchNB *branch, PosType const *ray, PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi) (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
WhichQuad(PosType *x, QBranchNB &branch) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | inlineprotected |
workspace (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
xxp (defined in TreeQuadParticles< PType >) | TreeQuadParticles< PType > | protected |
~TreeQuadParticles() | TreeQuadParticles< PType > |