Gravitational Lensing Code Library
No Matches
TreeSimple< PType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TreeSimple< PType >, including all inherited members.

_BuildTreeNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree, IndexType nparticles, IndexType *particles) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
_findleaf(T *ray, TreeSimple::iterator &it) const (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
_freeTreeNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree, short child) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
_NearestNeighbors(T *ray, int Nneighbors, unsigned long *neighbors, PosType *rneighbors)TreeSimple< PType >protected
_PointsWithin(T *ray, float *rmax, std::list< unsigned long > &neighborkist)TreeSimple< PType >protected
atLeaf() (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >inlineprotected
attachChildToCurrentNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree, BranchNB &data, int child) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
atTopNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
BuildTreeNB(PType *xxp, IndexType Nparticles, IndexType *particles, int Ndimensions, PosType theta) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
emptyTreeNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
FreeBranchNB(BranchNB *branchNB) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
freeTreeNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
getCurrentNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree, IndexType *particles, IndexType *nparticles) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
getNbranchesNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
inbox(const T *center, PosType *p1, PosType *p2) const (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >inlineprotected
incell (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
index (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
insertChildToCurrentNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree, IndexType *particles, IndexType nparticles, PosType boundary_p1[], PosType boundary_p2[], PosType center[], int child) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
isEmptyNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
median_cut (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
moveToChildNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree, int child) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
moveTopNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
moveUpNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
Nbucket (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
Ndim (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
NewBranchNB(IndexType *particles, IndexType nparticles, PosType boundary_p1[], PosType boundary_p2[], PosType center[], int level, unsigned long branchNBnumber)TreeSimple< PType >protected
NewTreeNB(IndexType *particles, IndexType nparticles, PosType boundary_p1[], PosType boundary_p2[], PosType center[], short Ndimensions) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
NNDistance(T *ray, int Nneighbors) constTreeSimple< PType >
noChildNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
Nparticles (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
offEndNB(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
PointsWithinCircle(T center[2], float radius, std::list< unsigned long > &neighborkist)TreeSimple< PType >
PointsWithinCircle(T *ray, float rmax, std::list< unsigned long > &neighborlist)TreeSimple< PType >
PointsWithinEllipse(T center[2], float a_max, float a_min, float posangle, std::list< unsigned long > &neighborkist)TreeSimple< PType >
PointsWithinEllipse(T *ray, float rmax, float rmin, float posangle, std::list< unsigned long > &neighborlist)TreeSimple< PType >
realray (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
tree (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
TreeNBWalkStep(TreeNBStruct< PType > *tree, bool allowDescent) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
TreeSimple(PType *xp, IndexType Npoints, int bucket=5, int dimensions=2, bool median=true) (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >
xxp (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >protected
~TreeSimple() (defined in TreeSimple< PType >)TreeSimple< PType >virtual