9#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
10#include <gsl/gsl_deriv.h>
19#define Grav 4.7788e-20
23#define lightspeed 2.99792458e5
28#define ERROR_MESSAGE() std::cerr << "ERROR: file: " << __FILE__ << " line: " << __LINE__ << std::endl;
31#define CRITD 2.49783e18
32#define CRITD2 2.7752543e11
37enum class CosmoParamSet {WMAP5yr,Millennium,Planck1yr,Planck15,Planck18,BigMultiDark,Uchuu,none};
39std::string to_string(
const CosmoParamSet &p);
40std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os,
const CosmoParamSet &p);
55 COSMOLOGY(CosmoParamSet cosmo_p = CosmoParamSet::WMAP5yr);
double omegam,
double omegal,
double h,
double w = -1,
double wa = 0
58 ,
bool justdistances=
66 CosmoParamSet ParamSet(){
return cosmo_set;}
67 void ParamSet(std::string &s);
70 std::string
short physical= 0)
79 double coorDist(
double zo,
double z)
84 double radDist(
double zo,
double z)
86 double angDist(
double zo,
double z)
88 double lumDist(
double zo,
double z)
98 double DRradius(
double zo,
double z,
double pfrac);
106 double Omegam(
double z)
109 double drdz(
double x)
111 double drdz_dark(
double x)
112 inline double dark_factor(
double x)
118 double DeltaVir(
double z,
int caseunit=0)
119 double Deltao(
double m)
120 double time(
double z)
121 double nonlinMass(
double z)
129 double Dgrowth(
double z)
139 double psdfdm(
double z,
double m,
int caseunit=0);
140 double halo_bias (
double m,
double z,
int t=0);
141 double stdfdm(
double z,
double m,
int caseunit=0);
142 double powerlawdfdm(
double z,
double m,
double alpha,
int caseunit=0);
151 ,
double k_max = 100,
double k_min = 1.0e-3);
153 struct CorrFunctorType{
154 CorrFunctorType(
double radius,
double redshift)
155 : cosmology(cosmo),z(redshift),r(radius)
157 norm = 0.5/PI/PI/(1+z)/(1+z);
166 double operator () (
double k) {
169 double jo = sin(rk)/rk;
170 if(rk < 1.0e-3) jo = 1.0;
172 return norm*jo*k*k*cosmology->
178 double haloNumberInBufferedCone (
double mass ,
double z1,
double z2,
double fov,
double buffer ,
int type ,
double alpha=0.0);
179 double haloMassInBufferedCone (
double mass ,
double z1,
double z2,
double fov,
double buffer ,
int type ,
double alpha=0.0);
193 power_normalize(sig8); calc_interp_dist(); cosmo_set = CosmoParamSet::none;}
194 double gethubble()
const {
return h;}
200 double getindex()
const {
return n;}
204 double getOmega_matter()
const {
return Omo;}
208 double getOmega_lambda()
const {
return Oml;}
213 double getOmega_baryon()
const {
return Omb;}
218 double getOmega_neutrino()
const {
return Omnu;}
222 double getNneutrino()
const {
return Nnu;}
225 void setW(
double w){
ww = w; calc_interp_dist(); cosmo_set = CosmoParamSet::none;}
226 double getW()
const {
return ww;}
227 void setW1(
double w){
ww1 = w; calc_interp_dist(); cosmo_set = CosmoParamSet::none;}
228 double getW1()
const {
return ww1;}
232 double getdndlnk()
const {
return dndlnk;}
236 double getgamma()
const {
return gamma;}
239 void setDEtype(
short tt){darkenergy = tt; cosmo_set = CosmoParamSet::none;}
240 short getDEtype()
const {
return darkenergy;}
242 void setSigma8(
double my_sig8){
power_normalize(my_sig8); cosmo_set = CosmoParamSet::none;}
243 double getSigma8()
const {
return sig8;}
246 void dzdangDist(
double D,
double z[],
double dzdD[]);
254 double SigmaCrit(
double zlens,
double zsource)
259 CosmoParamSet cosmo_set;
263 drdz_struct(
COSMOLOGY const &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
264 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.drdz(x);}
267 struct drdzdark_struct{
268 drdzdark_struct(
COSMOLOGY const &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
269 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.drdz_dark(x);}
273 adrdz_struct(
COSMOLOGY const &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
274 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.drdz(x)/x;}
277 struct adrdzdark_struct{
278 adrdzdark_struct(
COSMOLOGY const &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
279 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.drdz_dark(x)/x;}
284 normL_struct(
COSMOLOGY &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
285 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.normL(x);}
289 double ddrdzdOmo(
double x)
290 double ddrdzdw(
double x)
291 double ddrdzdw1(
double x)
293 struct ddrdzdOmo_struct{
294 ddrdzdOmo_struct(
COSMOLOGY const &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
295 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.ddrdzdOmo(x);}
298 struct ddrdzdw_struct{
299 ddrdzdw_struct(
COSMOLOGY const &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
300 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.ddrdzdw(x);}
303 struct ddrdzdw1_struct{
304 ddrdzdw1_struct(
COSMOLOGY const &cosmo):cos(cosmo){};
305 double operator()(
double x)
const {
return cos.ddrdzdw1(x);}
309 bool init_structure_functions;
350 double powerEH(
double k,
double z);
353 double npow(
double k);
354 double normL(
double lgk);
355 double gradius(
double R,
double rd)
358 std:: vector<double> vDeltaCz,vlz,vt;
359 double DpropDz(
double z);
361 double timeEarly(
double a)
362 double dNdz(
double z);
364 typedef double (
365 typedef double (
367 double nintegrateDcos(pt2MemFunc func,
double a,
double b,
double tols)
368 double trapzdDcoslocal(pt2MemFunc func,
double a,
double b,
int n,
double *s2)
369 void polintD(
double xa[],
double ya[],
int n,
double x,
double *y,
double *dy)
370 double nintegrateDcos(pt2MemFuncNonConst func,
double a,
double b,
double tols);
371 double trapzdDcoslocal(pt2MemFuncNonConst func,
double a,
double b,
int n,
double *s2);
372 double dfridrDcos(pt2MemFunc func,
double x,
double h,
double *err);
373 double f4(
double u)
376 std::vector<float> xf, wf;
380 short TFmdm_set_cosm_change_z(
double redshift);
381 short TFmdm_set_cosm();
382 double TFmdm_onek_mpc(
double kk);
383 double TFmdm_onek_hmpc(
double kk);
394 double num_degen_hdm;
400 double omega_lambda_z;
401 double omega_matter_z;
406 double sound_horizon_fit;
414 void TFset_parameters(
double omega0hh,
double f_baryon,
double Tcmb);
415 double TFfit_onek(
double k,
double *tf_baryon,
double *tf_cdm);
419 double sound_horizon;
435 std::size_t n_interp;
436 void calc_interp_dist();
437 double interp(
const std::vector<double>& table,
double z)
438 double invert(
const std::vector<double>& table,
double f_z)
439 std::vector<double> redshift_interp;
440 std::vector<double> coorDist_interp;
441 std::vector<double> radDist_interp;
457 double NFW_V200(
double M200,
double R200);
458 double NFW_Vmax(
double cons,
double M200,
double R200);
459 double NFW_Vr(
double x,
double cons,
double M200,
double R200);
460 double NFW_M(
double x,
double cons,
double M200);
463 double NFW_rho(
double cons,
double x);
465 void match_nfw(
float Vmax,
float R_half,
float mass,
float *cons,
float *Rsize);
466 float Rsize(
float cons,
float Vmax,
float mass);
467 float g_func(
float x);
470 float Vmax,R_half,mass;
473 float zbrentD(MemFunc func,
float a,
float b,
float tols);
474 float nfwfunc(
float cons);
475 float funcforconcentration(
float cons);
480double drdz_wrapper(
double x,
void *params);
481double drdz_dark_wrapper(
double x,
void *params);
482double Deltao_wrapper(
double m,
void *params);
490void ders(
double z,
double Da[],
double dDdz[]);
491void dir(
double r,
double a[],
double dadr[]);
492double arctanh(
double x);
493double fmini(
double a,
double b);
494double fmaxi(
double a,
double b);
495double **dmatrixcos(
long nrl,
long nrh,
long ncl,
long nch);
496void free_dmatrixcos(
double **m,
long nrl,
long nrh,
long ncl,
long nch);
501void TFset_parameters(
double omega0hh,
double f_baryon,
double Tcmb);
502double TFfit_onek(
double k,
double *tf_baryon,
double *tf_cdm);
The cosmology and all the functions required to calculated quantities based on the cosmology.
Definition cosmo.h:52
double DeltaVir(double z, int caseunit=0) const
Virial overdensity.
Definition cosmo.cpp:1092
void setOmega_neutrino(double Omega_neutrino)
Omega neutrino, renormalizes P(k) to keep sig8 fixed.
Definition cosmo.h:216
double stdfdm(double z, double m, int caseunit=0)
Sheth-Tormen mass function.
Definition cosmo.cpp:803
void setInterpolation(double z_interp, std::size_t n_interp)
set interpolation range and number of points
Definition cosmo.cpp:1465
double haloNumberDensityOnSky(double m, double z1, double z2, int t, double alpha=0.0)
Number of halos with mass larger than m (in solar masses) between redshifts z1 and z2 per square degr...
Definition cosmo.cpp:953
double powerloc(double k, double z)
The linear power spectrum without growth factor growth factor should be normalized to 1 at z=0.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:144
double radDist(double zo, double z) const
Non-comoving radial distance in units Mpc also known as the lookback time. This is coorDist only inte...
Definition cosmo.cpp:687
double npow(double k)
Logorithmic slope of the power spectrum.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:124
double d_coorDist_dOmo(double zo, double z) const
derivative of coordinate distance with respect to Omo in flat cosmology. Useful for Fisher matrix cal...
Definition cosmo.cpp:672
void setNneutrino(double Nneutrino)
Number of neutrino species, renormalizes P(k) to keep sig8 fixed.
Definition cosmo.h:221
double rcurve() const
Curvature radius in Mpc.
Definition cosmo.cpp:461
double Nnu
Number of neutrino species.
Definition cosmo.h:324
std::string print(short physical=0) const
Print cosmological parameters.
Definition cosmo.cpp:390
void setOmega_matter(double Omega_matter, bool FLAT=false)
Omega matter, renormalizes P(k) to keep sig8 fixed.
Definition cosmo.h:203
void PrintCosmology(short physical=0) const
Print cosmological parameters.
Definition cosmo.cpp:359
void SetConcordenceCosmology(CosmoParamSet cosmo_p)
Sets cosmology to WMAP 2009 model. This is done automatically in the constructor.
Definition cosmo.cpp:198
double powerlawdfdm(double z, double m, double alpha, int caseunit=0)
Power-law mass function.
Definition cosmo.cpp:846
double gradius(double R, double rd) const
Incorporates curvature for angular size distance.
Definition cosmo.cpp:755
double powerEH(double k, double z)
The power spectrum from Eisinstein & Hu with neutrinos but no BAO.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:218
double invComovingDist(double d) const
The inverse of the angular size distance in units Mpc, works within interpolation range.
Definition cosmo.cpp:733
double psdfdm(double z, double m, int caseunit=0)
Press-Schechter halo mass function - default i.e. fraction of mass or if caseunit==1 the .
Definition cosmo.cpp:770
double power_normalize(double sigma8)
Set the linear normalization for the power spectrum.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:155
double scalefactor(double rad) const
The scale factor, a = 1/(1+z), as a function of radius in Mpc.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:84
double delta_c() const
the critical over density
Definition cosmo.cpp:1242
double Omnu
Omega neutrino.
Definition cosmo.h:322
double getHubble() const
Hubble parameter in 1/Mpc units.
Definition cosmo.h:196
double SigmaCrit(double zlens, double zsource) const
The lensing critical density in Msun / Mpc^2.
Definition cosmo.cpp:1540
double invCoorDist(double d) const
The inverse of the coordinate distance in units Mpc, returning redshift. It works within interpolatio...
Definition cosmo.cpp:726
double DRradius(double zo, double z, double pfrac)
Comoving Dyer-Roeder angular size distance for lambda=0.
Definition cosmo.cpp:485
void setW(double w)
Dark energy equation of state parameter p/rho = w + w_1 (1+z)
Definition cosmo.h:225
void setgamma(double gamm)
Alternative to w for dark energy/ alt. grav. structure evolution.
Definition cosmo.h:235
double rho_crit_comoving(double z) const
comoving critical density in M_sun/Mpc^3
Definition cosmo.cpp:607
double gamma
Alternative to w for dark energy/ alt. grav. structure evolution.
Definition cosmo.h:333
double d_coorDist_dw1(double zo, double z) const
derivative of coordinate distance with respect to w1. Useful for Fisher matrix calculations
Definition cosmo.cpp:680
double lumDist(double zo, double z) const
The bolometric luminosity distance in units Mpc.
Definition cosmo.cpp:719
double dndlnk
Running of primordial spectral index, P(k)_primordial \propto pow(k/h,n+dndlnk*log(k))
Definition cosmo.h:330
double Omegam(double z) const
Matter density parameter at redshift z.
Definition cosmo.cpp:478
void setOmega_lambda(double Omega_lambda, bool FLAT=false)
Omega lambda, renormalizes P(k) to keep sig8 fixed.
Definition cosmo.h:207
double dsigdM(double m)
Derivative of in CDM model.
Definition cosmo.cpp:1073
double halo_bias(double m, double z, int t=0)
Halo bias, uses formalism by Mo-White.
Definition cosmo.cpp:1271
void setindex(double nn)
Primordial spectral index, renormalizes P(k) to keep sig8 fixed.
Definition cosmo.h:199
double ww
Dark energy equation of state parameter p/rho = ww + ww_1 (1+z)
Definition cosmo.h:326
double Dgrowth(double z) const
Linear growth factor normalized to 1 at z=0.
Definition cosmo.cpp:588
double Oml
Omega lambda.
Definition cosmo.h:318
double coorDist(double zo, double z) const
The coordinate distance in units Mpc. This is the radial distance found by integrating 1/H(z)....
Definition cosmo.cpp:657
double time(double z) const
Return the time from the Big Bang in Gyr at a given redshift z.
Definition cosmo.cpp:1182
double TopHatVariance(double m) const
Mass variance . This uses a fitting formula for the CDM model which might not be perfectly accurate....
Definition cosmo.cpp:1062
double angDist(double zo, double z) const
The angular size distance in units Mpc.
Definition cosmo.cpp:704
double h
Hubble paremters in units of 100 km/s/Mpc.
Definition cosmo.h:312
void setdndlnk(double w)
Running of primordial spectral index, P(k)_primordial \propto pow(k/h,n+dndlnk*log(k)),...
Definition cosmo.h:231
double invRadDist(double d) const
The inverse of the coordinate distance in units Mpc, works within interpolation range.
Definition cosmo.cpp:747
double Omo
Omega matter, dark matter + baryons.
Definition cosmo.h:316
double haloNumberInBufferedCone(double mass, double z1, double z2, double fov, double buffer, int type, double alpha=0.0)
The number of halos in a buffered cone between redshift z1 and z2.
Definition cosmo.cpp:994
double haloMassInBufferedCone(double mass, double z1, double z2, double fov, double buffer, int type, double alpha=0.0)
Total mass contained in halos in a buffered cone between redshift z1 and z2.
Definition cosmo.cpp:1025
double TopHatVarianceR(double R, double z)
Variance within a spherical top-hat filter of size R (Mpc), , at redshift z.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:188
double DRradius2(double zo, double z)
Comoving Dyer-Roeder angular size distance for lambda=0 and pfrac = 1 (all matter in particles)
Definition cosmo.cpp:525
double power_linear(double k, double z)
Linear power spectrum P(k,z)/a^2.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:133
void sethubble(double ht)
accesser functions:
Definition cosmo.h:192
void setOmega_baryon(double Omega_baryon)
Omega baryon, renormalizes P(k) to keep sig8 fixed.
Definition cosmo.h:211
double getZfromDeltaC(double dc)
Return the redshift given .
Definition cosmo.cpp:1124
double powerEHv2(double k)
This is the power spectrum from Eisinstein & Hu with BAO but no neutrinos
Definition powerCDM.cpp:235
double Omb
Omega baryon.
Definition cosmo.h:320
double d_coorDist_dw(double zo, double z) const
derivative of coordinate distance with respect to w. Useful for Fisher matrix calculations
Definition cosmo.cpp:676
double CorrelationFunction(double radius, double redshift, double k_max=100, double k_min=1.0e-3)
Dark matter correlation function.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:246
double totalMassDensityinHalos(int t, double alpha, double m_min, double z, double z1, double z2)
The halo total surface mass density in haloes with mass larger than m_min (solar masses) in the redsh...
Definition cosmo.cpp:915
double n
Primordial spectral index.
Definition cosmo.h:314
double getTimefromDeltaC(double dc)
Return the time from the Big Bang in Gyr given .
Definition cosmo.cpp:1151
double ww1
Dark energy equation of state parameter p/rho = ww + ww_1 (1+z)
Definition cosmo.h:328
double powerCDMz(double k, double z)
powerCDM.c calculates the nonlinear P(k,z)/a(r)^2
Definition powerCDM.cpp:10
double TopHatVarianceM(double M, double z)
Variance within a spherical top-hat filter at mass scale M at redshift z.
Definition powerCDM.cpp:207
double haloNumberDensity(double m, double z, double a, int t, double alpha=0.0)
The cumulative comoving number density of haloes with mass larger than m (in solar masses) at redshif...
Definition cosmo.cpp:874
Class for calculating properties of NFW halo profile.
Definition cosmo.h:451
double NFW_M(double x, double cons, double M200)
Mass within a radius x in Msun.
Definition nfw.cpp:53
void match_nfw(float Vmax, float R_half, float mass, float *cons, float *Rsize)
Returns the concentration and radius of an NFW halo with the mass, half mass radius and Vmax provided...
Definition nfw.cpp:110
double NFW_rho(double cons, double x)
The density of an NFW profile in units of the critical density.
Definition nfw.cpp:101
double NFW_Vr(double x, double cons, double M200, double R200)
Circular velocity in km/s.
Definition nfw.cpp:42
double NFW_Concentration(double Vmax, double M200, double R200)
Concentration of NFW given Vmax in km/s.
Definition nfw.cpp:69
double NFW_Vmax(double cons, double M200, double R200)
Maximum circular velocity in km/s.
Definition nfw.cpp:32
double NFW_V200(double M200, double R200)
Circular velocity at R200 in km/s.
Definition nfw.cpp:25
double NFW_deltac(double cons)
central over-density of nfw halo
Definition nfw.cpp:63