Gravitational Lensing Code Library
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nsie.cpp File Reference

routines for calculating the lensing properties of a non-singular isothermal ellipsoid written by R.B. Metcalf, March 18, 2009 based on the analytic solutions of Kormann et al. 1993 convention here is gamma_1 = -(Axx-Ayy)/2 and gamma_2= -Axy More...

#include "base_analens.h"
#include <complex>
Include dependency graph for nsie.cpp:


namespace  Utilities



void alphaNSIE (PosType *alpha, PosType const *xt, PosType f, PosType bc, PosType theta)
 Deflection angle for non-singular isothermal ellipsoid in units of Einstein radii.
KappaType kappaNSIE (PosType const *xt, PosType f, PosType bc, PosType theta)
 Convergence for non-singular isothermal ellipsoid, units $ \frac{r_{einstein}}{units(x)} $ or $ \frac{\sigma^2}{\Sigma_{crit}G\, units(xt) } $.
void gammaNSIE (KappaType *gam, PosType const *xt, PosType f, PosType bc, PosType theta)
 Shear for non-singular isothermal ellipsoid, units $ \frac{r_{einstein}}{units(x)} $ or $ \frac{\sigma^2}{\Sigma_{crit}G\, units(xt) } $.
PosType rmaxNSIE (PosType sigma, PosType mass, PosType f, PosType rc)
 Elliptical radius $ R^2 = x^2 + f^2 y^2 $ of a NonSingular Isothermal Ellipsoid.
PosType ellipticRadiusNSIE (PosType const *x, PosType f, PosType pa)
 Elliptical radius $ R^2 = x^2 + f^2 y^2 $ given f and position angle of model.
KappaType invmagNSIE (PosType *x, PosType f, PosType bc, PosType theta, KappaType *gam, KappaType kap)
void Utilities::rotation (float *xout, float *xin, PosType theta)
 Rotates 2 dimensional point without changing input point.
void Utilities::rotation (PosType *xout, PosType const *xin, PosType theta)
 Rotates 2 dimensional point without changing input point.
void quadMomNSIE (float mass, float Rsize, float f, float rc, float theta, PosType *quad)

Detailed Description

routines for calculating the lensing properties of a non-singular isothermal ellipsoid written by R.B. Metcalf, March 18, 2009 based on the analytic solutions of Kormann et al. 1993 convention here is gamma_1 = -(Axx-Ayy)/2 and gamma_2= -Axy

Function Documentation

◆ alphaNSIE()

void alphaNSIE ( PosType * alpha,
PosType const * xt,
PosType f,
PosType bc,
PosType theta )

Deflection angle for non-singular isothermal ellipsoid in units of Einstein radii.

alphaDeflection angle in units of the Einstein radius
xtposition on the image plane in Einstein radius units
faxis ratio of mass
bccore size in same units as alpha
thetaposition angle of ellipsoid

◆ gammaNSIE()

void gammaNSIE ( KappaType * gam,
PosType const * xt,
PosType f,
PosType bc,
PosType theta )

Shear for non-singular isothermal ellipsoid, units $ \frac{r_{einstein}}{units(x)} $ or $ \frac{\sigma^2}{\Sigma_{crit}G\, units(xt) } $.

gamoutput shear
xtposition on the image plane in Einstein radius units
faxis ratio of mass
bccore size in units of Einstein radius
thetaposition angle of ellipsoid

◆ kappaNSIE()

KappaType kappaNSIE ( PosType const * xt,
PosType f,
PosType bc,
PosType theta )

Convergence for non-singular isothermal ellipsoid, units $ \frac{r_{einstein}}{units(x)} $ or $ \frac{\sigma^2}{\Sigma_{crit}G\, units(xt) } $.

xtposition on the image plane in Einstein radius units
faxis ratio of mass
bccore size in units of Einstein radius
thetaposition angle of ellipsoid

◆ quadMomNSIE()

void quadMomNSIE ( float mass,
float Rsize,
float f,
float rc,
float theta,
PosType * quad )

Quadropole moment of an elliptically truncated NSIE Units are unit[mass]*unit[Rsize]^2

masstotal mass
Rsizeelliptical maximum radius
faxis ratio of mass
rccore size in same units as Rsize
thetaposition angle of ellipsoid

◆ rmaxNSIE()

PosType rmaxNSIE ( PosType sigma,
PosType mass,
PosType f,
PosType rc )

Elliptical radius $ R^2 = x^2 + f^2 y^2 $ of a NonSingular Isothermal Ellipsoid.

sigmavelocity dispersion in km/s
massmass in Msun
faxis ratio
rccore radius Mpc