16#include "image_processing.h"
25#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
26#include <eigen3/Eigen/StdVector>
27#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
81 inline float getRsize()
const {
return Rsize; }
87 inline PosType
const {
return zlens; }
95 void getX(PosType * MyPosHalo)
const {
97 MyPosHalo[0] = posHalo[0]*Dist;
98 MyPosHalo[1] = posHalo[1]*Dist;
105 void setTheta(PosType PosX, PosType PosY) { posHalo[0] = PosX ; posHalo[1] = PosY ; }
107 void setTheta(PosType *PosXY) { posHalo[0] = PosXY[0] ; posHalo[1] = PosXY[1] ; }
111 void getTheta(PosType * MyPosHalo)
const { MyPosHalo[0] = posHalo[0] ; MyPosHalo[1] = posHalo[1]; }
122 void displayPos() { std::cout <<
"Halo PosX = " << posHalo[0] <<
" ; Halo PosY = " << posHalo[1] << std::endl; }
125 virtual void initFromFile(
float my_mass,
long *seed,
float vmax,
float r_halfmass){};
127 virtual void initFromMassFunc(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,
float my_rscale, PosType my_slope,
long *seed);
130 virtual void set_RsizeRmax(
float my_Rsize){Rmax = Rmax*my_Rsize/Rsize; Rsize = my_Rsize; xmax = Rsize/
141 void setRsize(PosType R){Rsize = R;}
144 void setZlensDist(PosType my_zlens,
const COSMOLOGY &cos){
148 void setMass(PosType m){mass = m;}
152 virtual void set_slope(PosType my_slope){beta=my_slope;};
157 void set_flag_elliptical(
bool ell){elliptical_flag=ell;};
158 bool get_switch_flag(){
return switch_flag;};
188 ,
bool subtract_point=
189 ,PosType screening=1.0
213 std::vector<double>
get_mod() { std::vector<double> fmodes(Nmod);
int i=0;i<Nmod;i++){fmodes[i]= mod[i] ;} ;
return fmodes;}
218 virtual std::size_t
220 virtual PosType
getParam(std::size_t p)
222 virtual PosType
setParam(std::size_t p, PosType value);
225 virtual void printCSV(std::ostream&,
bool header =
233 PosType test_average_kappa(PosType R);
241 float get_rsize(){
return Rsize;};
248 size_t getID()
const {
return idnumber;}
249 void setID(
size_t id){idnumber = id;}
251 PosType renormalization(PosType r_max);
295 PosType norm_int(PosType r_max);
297 void force_halo_sym(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
298 void force_halo_asym(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
300 bool force_point(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma
301 ,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,PosType rcm2
302 ,
bool subtract_point,PosType screening);
305 norm_func(
LensHalo& halo, PosType my_r_max): halo(halo), r_max(my_r_max){};
309 PosType operator ()(PosType theta) {
return halo.alpha_ell(r_max, theta);}
313 Ialpha_func(
LensHalo& halo): halo(halo){};
315 PosType operator ()(PosType x) {
return halo.
alpha_h(x)/x ;}
319 Ig_func(
const LensHalo& halo): halo(halo){};
321 PosType operator ()(PosType x) {
return halo.gfunction(x)/x ;}
377 virtual PosType
inline alpha_h(PosType x)
const {
return -1;};
378 virtual KappaType
inline kappa_h(PosType x)
const {
return 0;};
379 virtual KappaType
inline gamma_h(PosType x)
const {
return -2;};
380 virtual KappaType
inline phi_h(PosType x)
const {
return 1;};
381 virtual KappaType
inline phi_int(PosType x)
const {
return 1;};
382 virtual PosType
inline ffunction(PosType x)
const {
return 0;};
383 virtual PosType
inline gfunction(PosType x)
const {
return -1;};
384 virtual PosType
inline dgfunctiondx(PosType x){
return 0;};
385 virtual PosType
inline bfunction(PosType x){
return -1;};
386 virtual PosType
inline dhfunction(PosType x)
const {
return 1;};
387 virtual PosType
inline ddhfunction(PosType x,
bool numerical){
return 0;};
388 virtual PosType
inline dddhfunction(PosType x,
bool numerical){
return 0;};
389 virtual PosType
inline bnumfunction(PosType x){
return -1;};
390 virtual PosType
inline dbfunction(PosType x){
return 0;};
391 virtual PosType
inline ddbfunction(PosType x){
return 0;};
392 virtual PosType
inline dmoddb(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b){
return 0;};
393 virtual PosType
inline ddmoddb(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b){
return 0;};
394 virtual PosType
inline dmoddq(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b){
return 0;};
395 virtual PosType
inline ddmoddq(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b){
return 0;};
404 bool elliptical_flag =
405 bool switch_flag =
408 void faxial(PosType x,PosType theta,PosType f[]);
409 void faxial0(PosType theta,PosType f0[]);
410 void faxial1(PosType theta,PosType f1[]);
411 void faxial2(PosType theta,PosType f2[]);
412 void gradial(PosType r,PosType g[]);
413 void gradial2(PosType r,PosType mu, PosType sigma,PosType g[]);
415 void felliptical(PosType x, PosType q, PosType theta, PosType f[], PosType g[]);
417 virtual void gamma_asym(PosType x,PosType theta, PosType gamma[]);
418 virtual PosType
kappa_asym(PosType x,PosType theta);
420 ,PosType *kappa,PosType gamma[],PosType *phi);
422 ,PosType *kappa,PosType gamma[],PosType *phi);
423 virtual void alphakappagamma2asym(PosType x,PosType theta, PosType alpha[2]
424 ,PosType *kappa,PosType gamma[],PosType *phi);
425 virtual void alphakappagamma3asym(PosType x,PosType theta, PosType alpha[2]
426 ,PosType *kappa,PosType gamma[],PosType *phi);
428 virtual PosType alpha_ell(PosType x,PosType theta);
431 double IDAXDM(
double lambda,
double a2,
double b2,
double x[],
double rmax,
double mo);
432 double IDAYDM(
double lambda,
double a2,
double b2,
double x[],
double rmax,
double mo);
433 double SCHRAMMKN(
double n,
double x[],
double rmax);
434 double SCHRAMMJN(
double n,
double x[],
double rmax);
435 double SCHRAMMI(
double x[],
double rmax);
438 void calcModes(
double q,
double beta,
double rottheta, PosType newmod[]);
439 void calcModesB(PosType x,
double q,
double beta,
double rottheta, PosType newmod[]);
440 void calcModesC(PosType beta_r,
double q,
double rottheta, PosType newmod[]);
442 virtual PosType
inline InterpolateModes(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b){
return 0;};
444 void analModes(
int modnumber, PosType my_beta, PosType q, PosType amod[3]);
447 fourier_func(
double my_n,
double my_q,
double my_beta): n(my_n),q(my_q),beta(my_beta){};
451 double operator ()(
double theta) {
return cos(n*theta)/pow(cos(theta)*cos(theta) + 1/q/q*sin(theta)*sin(theta),beta/2) ;}
454 struct SCHRAMMJ_func{
455 SCHRAMMJ_func(
double my_n,
double my_x[],
double my_rmax,
LensHalo *my_halo): n(my_n), x(my_x), rmx(my_rmax), halo(my_halo){};
457 double operator ()(
double u) {
460 PosType xisq=sqrt((x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]/(1-u*(1-halo->fratio*halo->fratio))));
462 if(xisq*xisq < 1e-20) xisq = 1.0e-10;
463 KappaType kappa=halo->kappa_h(xisq)/PI/xisq/xisq;
465 return kappa*halo->mass/pow((1.-(1.-halo->fratio*halo->fratio)*u),n+0.5);
471 struct SCHRAMMK_func{
472 SCHRAMMK_func(
double my_n,
double my_x[],
double my_rmax,
LensHalo *my_halo): n(my_n), x(my_x), rmx(my_rmax), halo(my_halo){};
474 double operator ()(
double u) {
477 PosType xisq=sqrt((x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]/(1-u*(1-halo->fratio*halo->fratio))));
478 if(xisq*xisq < 1e-20) xisq = 1.0e-10;
480 PosType kp1=halo->kappa_h(xisq+h)/((xisq+h)*(xisq+h));
481 PosType km1=halo->kappa_h(xisq-h)/((xisq-h)*(xisq-h));
482 PosType kp2=halo->kappa_h(xisq+2*h)/((xisq+2*h)*(xisq+2*h));
483 PosType km2=halo->kappa_h(xisq-2*h)/((xisq-2*h)*(xisq-2*h));
484 PosType dkdxi=(8*kp1-8*km1-kp2+km2)/12/h/PI;
489 return u*dkdxi/pow((1.-(1.-halo->fratio*halo->fratio)*u),n+0.5);
496 struct SCHRAMMI_func{
497 SCHRAMMI_func(
double my_x[],
double my_rmax,
LensHalo *my_halo): x(my_x), rmx(my_rmax), halo(my_halo){};
499 double operator ()(
double u) {
502 PosType xisq=sqrt((x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]/(1-u*(1-halo->fratio*halo->fratio))));
504 if(xisq*xisq < 1e-20) xisq = 1.0e-10;
505 PosType alpha=halo->
507 return xisq*alpha*halo->mass/pow((1.-(1.-halo->fratio*halo->fratio)*u),0.5);
515 IDAXDM_func(
double my_lambda,
double my_a2,
double my_b2,
double my_x[],
double my_rmax,
LensHalo *my_halo): lambda(my_lambda), a2(my_a2), b2(my_b2), x(my_x), rmx(my_rmax), halo(my_halo){};
516 double lambda, a2,b2, *x, rmx;
517 double operator ()(
double m) {
518 double ap = m*m*a2 + lambda,bp = m*m*b2 + lambda;
519 double p2 = x[0]*x[0]/ap/ap/ap/ap + x[1]*x[1]/bp/bp/bp/bp;
521 if(tmp*tmp < 1e-20) tmp = 1.0e-10;
522 PosType xiso=tmp/halo->
523 KappaType kappa=halo->kappa_h(xiso)/PI/xiso/xiso;
525 PosType alpha[2]={0,0},tm[2] = {m*rmx,0};
526 KappaType kappam=0,gamma[2]={0,0},phi=0;
531 double integrandA=m*kappa/(ap*ap*ap*bp*p2)*halo->mass;
532 double integrandB=m*kappam/(ap*ap*ap*bp*p2);
534 assert( std::abs((integrandA - integrandB)/integrandA)<1E-5);
536 assert(kappa >= 0.0);
546 IDAYDM_func(
double my_lambda,
double my_a2,
double my_b2,
double my_x[],
double my_rmax,
LensHalo *my_halo): lambda(my_lambda), a2(my_a2), b2(my_b2), x(my_x), rmx(my_rmax), halo(my_halo){};
547 double lambda, a2,b2, *x, rmx;
548 double operator ()(
double m) {
549 double ap = m*m*a2 + lambda,bp = m*m*b2 + lambda;
550 double p2 = x[0]*x[0]/ap/ap/ap/ap + x[1]*x[1]/bp/bp/bp/bp;
552 if(tmp*tmp < 1e-20) tmp = 1.0e-10;
553 PosType xiso=tmp/halo->
554 KappaType kappa=halo->kappa_h(xiso)/PI/xiso/xiso;
556 PosType alpha[2]={0,0},tm[2] = {m*rmx,0};
557 KappaType kappam=0,gamma[2]={0,0},phi=0;
560 double integrandA=m*kappa/(ap*ap*ap*bp*p2)*halo->mass;
561 double integrandB=m*kappam/(ap*bp*bp*bp*p2);
562 assert( std::abs((integrandA - integrandB)/integrandA)<1E-5);
564 assert(kappa >= 0.0);
573 const static int Nmod = 32;
598 test_gt_func(PosType my_r,
LensHalo *halo): r(my_r),halo(halo){};
599 double operator ()(PosType t) {
600 PosType alpha[2] = {0,0},x[2] = {0,0};
601 KappaType kappa = 0,gamma[3] = {0,0,0},phi =0 ;
605 assert(gamma[0]==gamma[0]);
606 assert(gamma[1]==gamma[1]);
607 return (gamma[0]*cos(2*t)+gamma[1]*sin(2*t));}
625 struct test_kappa_func{
626 test_kappa_func(PosType my_r,
LensHalo *halo): r(my_r),halo(halo){};
627 double operator ()(PosType t) {
628 PosType alpha[2] = {0,0},x[2] = {0,0};
629 KappaType kappa = 0,gamma[3] = {0,0,0},phi =0 ;
633 assert(kappa==kappa);
641 DMDTHETA(PosType R,
LensHalo *halo): R(R),halo(halo){};
642 PosType operator()(PosType theta){
643 PosType alpha[2] = {0,0},x[2] = {0,0};
644 KappaType kappa = 0,gamma[3] = {0,0,0},phi =0 ;
651 PosType alpha_r = -alpha[0]*cos(theta) - alpha[1]*sin(theta);
653 assert( alpha_r == alpha_r );
LensHalo *halo): R(R),halo(halo){};
664 PosType operator()(PosType theta){
666 PosType alpha[2] = {0,0},x[2] = {0,0};
667 KappaType kappa = 0,gamma[3] = {0,0,0} ,phi=0;
673 assert(kappa == kappa);
674 assert(kappa != INFINITY);
684 PosType operator()(PosType logR){
686 LensHalo::DMDRDTHETA dmdrdtheta(exp(logR),halo);
689 if(exp(2*logR) == 0.0)
return 0.0;
690 return Utilities::nintegrate<LensHalo::DMDRDTHETA,PosType>(dmdrdtheta,0,2*PI,1.0e-7)
709 DALPHAXDM(PosType lambda,PosType a2,PosType b2,PosType X[],
LensHalo* myisohalo)
710 :lambda(lambda),a2(a2),b2(b2),x(X),isohalo(myisohalo){};
712 PosType operator()(PosType m);
721 DALPHAYDM(PosType lambda,PosType a2,PosType b2,PosType X[],
LensHalo* isohalo)
722 :lambda(lambda),a2(a2),b2(b2),x(X),isohalo(isohalo){};
724 PosType operator()(PosType m);
752 ,
float my_concentration
785 PosType ffunction(PosType x)
786 PosType gfunction(PosType x)
787 PosType dgfunctiondx(PosType x);
788 PosType g2function(PosType x)
789 PosType hfunction(PosType x)
790 PosType dhfunction(PosType x)
791 PosType ddhfunction(PosType x,
bool numerical);
792 PosType dddhfunction(PosType x,
bool numerical);
793 PosType bfunction(PosType x);
794 PosType dbfunction(PosType x);
795 PosType ddbfunction(PosType x);
796 PosType
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b);
797 PosType ddmoddb(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b);
798 PosType dmoddq(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b);
799 PosType ddmoddq(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b);
806 void alphaNFW(PosType *alpha,PosType *x,PosType Rtrunc,PosType mass,PosType r_scale
807 ,PosType *center,PosType Sigma_crit);
808 KappaType
kappaNFW(PosType *x,PosType Rtrunc,PosType mass,PosType r_scale
809 ,PosType *center,PosType Sigma_crit);
810 void gammaNFW(KappaType *gamma,PosType *x,PosType Rtrunc,PosType mass,PosType r_scale
811 ,PosType *center,PosType Sigma_crit);
813 void initFromFile(
float my_mass,
long *seed,
float vmax,
float r_halfmass);
814 void initFromMassFunc(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,
float my_rscale, PosType my_slope,
long *seed);
830 static PosType *
835 PosType InterpolateModes(
int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b);
847 inline KappaType kappa_h(PosType x)
850 inline KappaType gamma_h(PosType x)
854 inline KappaType phi_h(PosType x)
858 inline KappaType phi_int(PosType x)
884 LensHaloPseudoNFW(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,PosType my_zlens,
float my_rscale,PosType my_beta,
float my_fratio,
float my_pa,
const COSMOLOGY &cosmo,
EllipMethod my_ellip_method=EllipMethod::Pseudo);
888 PosType
mhat(PosType y, PosType beta)
889 PosType gfunction(PosType x)
892 void set_slope(PosType my_slope){beta=my_slope; make_tables();};
898 void initFromMassFunc(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,
float my_rscale, PosType my_slope,
long *seed);
902 static const long NTABLE;
904 static const PosType maxrm;
909 static PosType *mhattable,*xtable;
913 PosType InterpolateFromTable(PosType y)
923 inline PosType alpha_h(PosType x)
const {
924 return -1.0*InterpolateFromTable(x)/InterpolateFromTable(xmax);
926 inline KappaType kappa_h(PosType x)
const {
927 return 0.5*x*x/InterpolateFromTable(xmax)/pow(1+x,beta);
929 inline KappaType gamma_h(PosType x)
const {
931 return (x*x/pow(1+x,beta) - 2*InterpolateFromTable(x))/InterpolateFromTable(xmax);
933 inline KappaType phi_h(PosType x)
const {
934 return -1.0*
alpha_int(x)/InterpolateFromTable(xmax) ;
940 inline KappaType phi_int(PosType x)
941 return -1.0*
alpha_int(x)/InterpolateFromTable(xmax) ;
955 LensHaloPowerLaw(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,PosType my_zlens,PosType my_beta
956 ,
float my_fratio,
float my_pa,
const COSMOLOGY &cosmo
968 void initFromMassFunc(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,
float my_rscale, PosType my_slope,
long *seed);
979 inline PosType alpha_h(
982 if(x<xmax*1.0e-6) x=1e-6*xmax;
983 return -1.0*pow(x/xmax,-beta+2);
986 inline KappaType kappa_h(
989 if(x==0) x=1e-6*xmax;
991 return 0.5*(-beta+2)*pow(tmp,2-beta);
994 inline KappaType gamma_h(PosType x)
const {
995 if(x==0) x=1e-6*xmax;
996 return -beta*pow(x/xmax,-beta+2);
999 inline KappaType phi_h(PosType x)
const {
1000 if(x==0) x=1e-6*xmax;
1003 inline KappaType phi_int(PosType x)
1005 return -1.0*pow(x/xmax,-beta+2)/(2-beta);
1028 ,
float my_rcore,
float my_fratio,
float my_pa,
const COSMOLOGY &cosmo);
1045 if(&h ==
return *
1058 void force_halo(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
1082 void setZlens(PosType my_zlens,
const COSMOLOGY &cosmo){
1091 static size_t objectCount;
1092 static std::vector<double> q_table;
1093 static std::vector<double> Fofq_table;
1116 void construct_ellip_tables();
1119 NormFuncer(
double my_q):q(my_q){};
1121 double operator()(
double t){
1122 return 1.0/sqrt( 1 + (q*q-1)*sin(t)*sin(t));
1160 if(&h ==
return *
1175 return lightspeed*sqrt( Grav*mass*sqrt(
fratio) / (Rtrunc-Rcore) / PI);
1179 void force_halo(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
1194 void setZlens(PosType my_zlens,
const COSMOLOGY &cosmo){
1243 q_prime = h.q_prime;
1246 mass_pi = h.mass_pi;
1251 if(&h ==
return *
1257 q_prime = h.q_prime;
1260 mass_pi = h.mass_pi;
1270 void force_halo(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
1281 void set_pa(
double p){pa = p;}
1283 void deflection(std::complex<double> &z
1284 ,std::complex<double> &a
1285 ,std::complex<double> &g
1286 ,KappaType &sigma)
1299 std::complex<double> R;
1301 std::complex<double> F(
double r_e,
double t,std::complex<double> z)
1307class LensHaloTEBPL :
public LensHalo{
1310 LensHaloTEBPL(
float my_mass
1324 LensHaloTEBPL(
const LensHaloTEBPL &h):
1325 LensHalo(h),h1(h.h1),h2(h.h2),h3(h.h3)
1339 LensHaloTEBPL &operator=(
const LensHaloTEBPL &h){
1340 if(&h ==
return *
1361 float get_fratio(){
return q;};
1363 float get_pa(){
return pa;};
1365 float get_rtrunc(){
return rt;};
1367 float get_rbreak(){
return rb;};
1369 float get_t1(){
return h1.
1371 float get_t2(){
return h2.
1373 void set_pa(
double p){pa = p;}
1375 void force_halo(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
1391 std::complex<PosType> R;
1402class LensHaloGaussian :
public LensHalo{
1405 LensHaloGaussian(
float my_mass
1414 LensHaloGaussian(
const LensHaloGaussian &h):
1419 q_prime = h.q_prime;
1429 one_sqpi = h.one_sqpi;
1432 LensHaloGaussian &operator=(
const LensHaloGaussian &h){
1433 if(&h ==
return *
1438 q_prime = h.q_prime;
1448 one_sqpi = h.one_sqpi;
1453 ~LensHaloGaussian(){};
1457 void force_halo(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
1460 float get_fratio(){
return q;};
1462 float get_pa(){
return pa;};
1464 float get_scalehight(){
return Rhight;};
1467 float get_SigmaCentral(){
return SigmaO;};
1469 void set_pa(
double p){pa = p;}
1471 void deflection(std::complex<double> &z
1472 ,std::complex<double> &a
1473 ,std::complex<double> &g
1474 ,KappaType &sigma)
1479 std::complex<double> dwdz(std::complex<double> z)
1480 return 2.0*(I_sqpi - z*wF(z));
1483 std::complex<double> wF(std::complex<double> z)
1484 std::complex<double> my_erfc(std::complex<double> z)
1503 std::complex<double> R;
1510 std::complex<double> erfi(std::complex<double> z)
1511 return I*(1. - exp(z*z)*wF(z));
1564 std::complex<double> I;
1565 std::complex<double> I_sqpi;
1577namespace MultiGauss{
1580 virtual double operator()(
double r) = 0;
1581 virtual double cum(
double r) = 0;
1584struct POWERLAW :
public PROFILE
1590 std::cerr <<
"power-law index <= 2 give unbounded mass!" << std::endl;
1591 throw std::runtime_error(
"bad mass");
1595 double operator()(
double r){
return pow(r,gamma);}
1596 double cum(
double r){
return 2*PI*pow(r,gamma + 2)/(gamma+2);}
1598 void reset(
float g){gamma = g;}
1602struct SERSIC :
public PROFILE
1604 SERSIC(){reset(0,0);}
1605 SERSIC(
float nn,
float Re){
1608 double cum(
double r){
1609 return cum_norm * boost::math::tgamma_lower(2*n, bn*pow(r/re,t) );
1611 double operator()(
double r){
1612 return exp(-bn*pow(r/re,t) );
1615 void reset(
float nn,
float Re){
1618 bn = 1.9992*n - 0.3271;
1620 cum_norm = 2*PI*n/pow(bn,2*n)*re*re;
1631struct NFW:
public PROFILE
1633 NFW(
float rs):rs(rs){
1635 double cum(
double r){
1638 double ans=log(x/2);
1639 if(x==1.0) ans += 1.0;
1640 if(x>1.0) ans += 2*atan(sqrt((x-1)/(x+1)))/sqrt(x*x-1);
1641 if(x<1.0) ans += 2*atanh(sqrt((1-x)/(x+1)))/sqrt(1-x*x);
1643 return 2*PI*rs*rs*ans;
1645 double operator()(
double r){
1648 if(x==1.0){
return 1.0/3.0;}
1649 if(x>1.0)
return (1-2*atan(sqrt((x-1)/(x+1)))/sqrt(x*x-1))/(x*x-1);
1650 return (1-2*atanh(sqrt((1-x)/(x+1)))/sqrt(1-x*x))/(x*x-1);
1653 void reset(
double Rs){rs = Rs;}
1673class LensHaloMultiGauss:
public LensHalo{
1683 std::vector<double> sigmas;
1684 std::vector<double> radii;
1685 std::complex<double> Rotation;
1686 std::vector<LensHaloGaussian> gaussians;
1687 std::vector<double> A;
1697 ,MultiGauss::PROFILE &profile
1707 ,
bool verbose =
1715 ,
const std::vector<double> &relative_scales
1716 ,
const std::vector<double> &relative_masses
1722 ,
bool verbose =
1727 LensHaloMultiGauss(LensHaloMultiGauss &&halo);
1728 LensHaloMultiGauss(
const LensHaloMultiGauss &halo);
1730 LensHaloMultiGauss & operator=(
const LensHaloMultiGauss &&halo);
1731 LensHaloMultiGauss & operator=(
const LensHaloMultiGauss &halo);
1733 ~LensHaloMultiGauss(){};
1736 void set_pa(
double my_pa);
1755 static void calc_masses_scales(MultiGauss::PROFILE &profile
1762 ,
double &totalmass_out
1763 ,std::vector<double> &scales
1764 ,std::vector<double> &masses
1769 scales.resize(Ngaussians);
1771 double tmp = pow(r_max/r_min,1.0/(Ngaussians-2));
1772 scales[0] = r_min/5;
1774 for(
int i=2 ; i < Ngaussians ; ++i){
1775 scales[i] = tmp*scales[i-1];
1779 std::vector<double> radii(Nradii);
1781 double tmp = pow(r_max/r_min,1.0/(Nradii-1));
1783 for(
int i=1 ; i < Nradii ; ++i){
1784 radii[i] = tmp*radii[i-1];
1788 Eigen::MatrixXd M(Nradii,Ngaussians);
1792 double cp = profile.cum(radii[0]);
1793 for(
int n=0 ; n < Ngaussians ; ++n){
1794 M(0,n) = 2*PI*scales[n] * scales[n]
1795 * ( 1 -exp(-radii[0]*radii[0] / 2 / scales[n] /scales[n]) )
1801 for(
int m=1 ; m < Nradii ; ++m){
1802 double p = profile(radii[m]);
1803 for(
int n=0 ; n < Ngaussians ; ++n){
1804 M(m,n) = exp( - radii[m]*radii[m] / 2 / scales[n] /scales[n])
1811 masses.resize(Ngaussians);
1813 std::vector<double> b(Nradii,1);
1814 Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> v(b.data(),Nradii);
1815 Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> a(masses.data(),Ngaussians);
1818 a = M.bdcSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve(v);
1820 if(verbose) std::cout <<
"test in LensHaloMultiGauss::calc_masses_scales()" << std::endl << M*a << std::endl;
1826 for(
int m=0 ; m < 1 ; ++m){
1828 for(
int n=0 ; n < Ngaussians ; ++n){
1829 surf += masses[n] * scales[n] * scales[n]
1830 * 2*PI*( 1 - exp(-radii[m]*radii[m] / 2 / scales[n] /scales[n]) );
1832 double tmp = profile.cum(radii[m]);
1833 if(verbose) std::cout << tmp <<
" " << surf << std::endl;
1835 rms_error += (surf - tmp )*(surf - tmp) / tmp / tmp;
1838 for(
int m=1 ; m < Nradii ; ++m){
1840 for(
int n=0 ; n < Ngaussians ; ++n){
1841 surf += masses[n] * exp(-radii[m]*radii[m] / 2 / scales[n] /scales[n]) ;
1843 double tmp = profile(radii[m]);
1844 if(verbose) std::cout << tmp <<
" " << surf << std::endl;
1846 rms_error += (surf - tmp )*(surf - tmp ) / tmp /tmp;
1848 rms_error = sqrt(rms_error)/Ngaussians;
1849 if(verbose) std::cout <<
" MSE error " << rms_error << std::endl;
1854 double mass_tmp = 0;
1855 for(
int n=0 ; n<Ngaussians ; ++n){
1856 mass_tmp += scales[n]*scales[n]*masses[n]
1857 *( 1 - exp(-r_norm*r_norm / 2 / scales[n] /scales[n]) );
1861 double tmp = (mass_norm/mass_tmp);
1863 for(
int n=0 ; n<Ngaussians ; ++n) masses[n] *= tmp*scales[n]*scales[n];
1868 for(
int n=0 ; n<Ngaussians ; ++n) totalmass_out += masses[n];
1871 double profile(
double r);
1874 double mass_cum(
double r);
1879 void force_halo(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1);
1897class LensHaloHernquist:
public LensHalo{
1900 LensHaloHernquist(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,PosType my_zlens,
float my_rscale,
float my_fratio,
float my_pa,
const COSMOLOGY &cosmo,
EllipMethod my_ellip_method=EllipMethod::Pseudo);
1902 virtual ~LensHaloHernquist();
1904 PosType ffunction(PosType x)
1905 PosType gfunction(PosType x)
1906 PosType hfunction(PosType x)
1907 PosType g2function(PosType x)
1925 static const long NTABLE;
1927 static const PosType maxrm;
1932 static PosType *ftable,*gtable,*g2table,*htable,*xtable,*xgtable;
1936 PosType InterpolateFromTable(PosType *table, PosType y)
1943 inline PosType alpha_h(PosType x)
const {
1944 return -0.25*InterpolateFromTable(gtable,x)/gmax;
1946 inline KappaType kappa_h(PosType x)
const {
1947 return 0.25*x*x*InterpolateFromTable(ftable,x)/gmax;
1949 inline KappaType gamma_h(PosType x)
const {
1950 return -0.5*x*x*InterpolateFromTable(g2table,x)/gmax;
1952 inline KappaType phi_h(PosType x)
const {
1953 return -0.25*InterpolateFromTable(htable,x)/gmax;
1956 inline KappaType phi_int(PosType x)
1957 return -0.25*InterpolateFromTable(xgtable,x)/gmax;
1975class LensHaloJaffe:
public LensHalo{
1978 LensHaloJaffe(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,PosType my_zlens,
float my_rscale,
float my_fratio
1980 ,
EllipMethod my_ellip_method=EllipMethod::Pseudo);
1982 virtual ~LensHaloJaffe();
1987 PosType ffunction(PosType x)
1988 PosType gfunction(PosType x)
1989 PosType hfunction(PosType x)
1990 PosType g2function(PosType x)
1991 PosType bfunction(PosType x);
1992 PosType dbfunction(PosType x);
1993 PosType ddbfunction(PosType x);
1998 static const long NTABLE;
2000 static const PosType maxrm;
2005 static PosType *ftable,*gtable,*g2table,*htable,*xtable,*xgtable;
2009 PosType InterpolateFromTable(PosType *table, PosType y)
2016 inline PosType alpha_h(PosType x)
2017 return -0.25*InterpolateFromTable(gtable,x)/gmax;
2019 inline KappaType kappa_h(PosType x)
const {
2020 return 0.125*x*x*InterpolateFromTable(ftable,x)/gmax;
2022 inline KappaType gamma_h(PosType x)
const {
2024 return -0.25*x*x*InterpolateFromTable(g2table,x)/gmax;
2027 inline KappaType phi_h(PosType x)
const {
2028 return -0.25*InterpolateFromTable(xgtable,x)/gmax;
2030 inline KappaType phi_int(PosType x)
2031 return -0.25*InterpolateFromTable(xgtable,x)/gmax;
2059 void force_halo(PosType *alpha,KappaType *kappa,KappaType *gamma,KappaType *phi,PosType
const *xcm,
bool subtract_point=
false,PosType screening = 1.0);
2063 void initFromMassFunc(
float my_mass,
float my_Rsize,
float my_rscale, PosType my_slope,
long *seed);
2069 inline PosType alpha_h(PosType x)
const {
return 0.;}
2070 inline KappaType kappa_h(PosType x)
const {
return 0.;}
2071 inline KappaType gamma_h(PosType x)
const {
return 0.;}
The cosmology and all the functions required to calculated quantities based on the cosmology.
Definition cosmo.h:52
double angDist(double zo, double z) const
The angular size distance in units Mpc.
Definition cosmo.cpp:704
This is a lens that does no lensing. It is useful for testing and for running refinement code on sour...
Definition lens_halos.h:2051
void force_halo(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0)
overridden function to calculate the lensing properties
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2390
void initFromMassFunc(float my_mass, float my_Rsize, float my_rscale, PosType my_slope, long *seed)
initialize from a mass function
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2380
A base class for all types of lensing "halos" which are any mass distribution that cause lensing.
Definition lens_halos.h:56
PosType getZlens() const
get the redshift
Definition lens_halos.h:87
void getX(PosType *MyPosHalo) const
get the position of the Halo in physical Mpc on the lens plane
Definition lens_halos.h:95
PixelMap< double > map_variables(LensingVariable lensvar, size_t Nx, size_t Ny, double res)
Map a PixelMap of the surface, density, potential and potential gradient centred on (0,...
Definition lens_halos.cpp:269
bool get_flag_elliptical()
flag=True if halo elliptical
Definition lens_halos.h:156
void assignParams(InputParams ¶ms, bool needRsize)
read in parameters from a parameterfile in InputParams params
Definition lens_halos.cpp:243
PosType operator[](int i) const
returns position of the Halo in physical Mpc on the lens plane
Definition lens_halos.h:102
float getRsize() const
get the Rsize which is the size of the halo in Mpc
Definition lens_halos.h:81
virtual PosType get_slope()
get slope
Definition lens_halos.h:154
virtual std::size_t Nparams() const
get the number of halo parameters
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2432
void force_halo_sym(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0)
returns the lensing quantities of a ray in center of mass coordinates for a symmetric halo
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1608
static const int get_Nmod()
get length of mod array, which is Nmod. Not to be confused with getNmodes in the class LensHaloFit
Definition lens_halos.h:215
void setZlens(PosType my_zlens, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo)
set redshift
Definition lens_halos.h:137
PosType alpha_int(PosType x) const
Calculates potential (phi_int) from alpha_h. If flag is_alphah_a_table is True it takes and integrate...
Definition base_analens.cpp:589
void calcModes(double q, double beta, double rottheta, PosType newmod[])
Calculates the modes for fourier expansion of power law halo. All the modes are relative to the zero ...
Definition base_analens.cpp:605
PosType mass_norm_factor
This is Rsize/rscale !!
Definition lens_halos.h:399
virtual void force_halo(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0)
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1528
void setTheta(PosType PosX, PosType PosY)
set the position of the Halo in radians
Definition lens_halos.h:105
PosType getDist() const
Definition lens_halos.h:118
virtual PosType setParam(std::size_t p, PosType value)
set the value of a scaled halo parameter by index
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2446
void set_mass(float my_mass)
set mass (in solar masses)
Definition lens_halos.h:132
void setTheta(PosType *PosXY)
set the position of the Halo in radians
Definition lens_halos.h:107
float get_mass() const
get the mass solar units
Definition lens_halos.h:83
virtual void initFromFile(float my_mass, long *seed, float vmax, float r_halfmass)
initialize from a simulation file
Definition lens_halos.h:125
void getTheta(PosType *MyPosHalo) const
get the position of the Halo in radians
Definition lens_halos.h:111
virtual void set_rscale(float my_rscale)
set scale radius (in Mpc)
Definition lens_halos.h:134
void error_message1(std::string name, std::string filename)
read in star parameters. This is valid for all halos and not overloaded.
Definition lens_halos.cpp:237
float get_Rmax() const
this can be used to tag types of LensHalos
Definition lens_halos.h:79
void felliptical(PosType x, PosType q, PosType theta, PosType f[], PosType g[])
Calculate the derivatives of the G function = r*sqrt(cos(theta)^2 + q(r)^2 sin(theta))
Definition base_analens.cpp:982
PosType MassBy2DIntegation(PosType R)
Prints star parameters; if show_stars is true, prints data for single stars.
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2463
void force_halo_asym(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0)
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1674
virtual PosType getParam(std::size_t p) const
get the value of a scaled halo parameter by index
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2437
virtual void alphakappagamma_asym(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType alpha[], PosType *kappa, PosType gamma[], PosType *phi)
Pseudo-elliptical profiles by Phi(G)-Ansatz.
Definition base_analens.cpp:752
Shell constructor.
Definition lens_halos.cpp:14
void displayPos()
Definition lens_halos.h:122
void faxial(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType f[])
If set to true the correct normalization is applied for asymmetric NFW profiles, the mass_norm_factor...
Definition base_analens.cpp:470
void setDist(COSMOLOGY &co)
Set the angular size distance to the halo. This should be the distance to the lens plane.
Definition lens_halos.h:114
virtual void initFromMassFunc(float my_mass, float my_Rsize, float my_rscale, PosType my_slope, long *seed)
initialize from a mass function
Definition lens_halos.cpp:229
void set_switch_flag(bool swt)
flag permits case distinction in force_halo_asym for elliptical NFWs only (get_switch_flag==true),...
Definition lens_halos.h:159
bool compareZ(PosType z)
force tree calculation for stars
Definition lens_halos.h:196
virtual PosType alpha_h(PosType x) const
Definition lens_halos.h:377
void setTheta(const Point_2d &p)
set the position of the Halo in radians
Definition lens_halos.h:109
bool test()
perform some basic consistancy checks for halo
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2488
LensHalo & operator=(const LensHalo &h)
Definition lens_halos.cpp:169
void set_rsize(float my_rsize)
set radius rsize beyond which interpolation values between alpha_ellip and alpha_iso are computed
Definition lens_halos.h:240
virtual void printCSV(std::ostream &, bool header=false) const
print the halo parameters in CSV format
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2455
virtual void alphakappagamma1asym(PosType x, PosType theta, PosType alpha[2], PosType *kappa, PosType gamma[], PosType *phi)
Elliptical profiles by Fourier-Ansatz.
Definition base_analens.cpp:798
virtual void set_slope(PosType my_slope)
set slope
Definition lens_halos.h:152
float Rmax_to_Rsize_ratio
The factor by which Rmax is larger than Rsize.
Definition lens_halos.h:353
virtual PosType kappa_asym(PosType x, PosType theta)
Definition base_analens.cpp:1033
virtual void set_RsizeRmax(float my_Rsize)
set Rsize (in Mpc) and reset Rmax
Definition lens_halos.h:130
PosType test_average_gt(PosType R)
calculates the average gamma_t for LensHalo::test()
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2476
float rscale
scale length or core size. Different meaning in different cases. Not used in NSIE case.
Definition lens_halos.h:356
float get_rscale() const
get the scale radius in Mpc
Definition lens_halos.h:85
std::vector< double > get_mod()
get vector of Fourier modes, which are calculated in the constructors of the LensHaloes when main_ell...
Definition lens_halos.h:213
EllipMethod getEllipMethod() const
Definition lens_halos.h:211
virtual void setCosmology(const COSMOLOGY &cosmo)
used for elliptical NFWs only, in that case get_switch_flag==true
Definition lens_halos.h:163
void gradial(PosType r, PosType g[])
Derivatives of the potential damping factor with respect to r ... TODO: come up with a better damping...
Definition base_analens.cpp:554
double fourier_coeff(double n, double q, double beta)
Calculates fourier-coefficients for power law halo.
Definition base_analens.cpp:583
PosType MassBy1DIntegation(PosType R)
calculates the mass within radius R by integating alpha on a ring and using Gauss' law,...
Definition lens_halos.cpp:2469
void analModes(int modnumber, PosType my_beta, PosType q, PosType amod[3])
Definition modes_ana.cpp:156
A class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma caused by an NFW halos.
Definition lens_halos.h:745
void initFromFile(float my_mass, long *seed, float vmax, float r_halfmass)
Sets the profile to match the mass, Vmax and R_halfmass.
Definition lens_halos.cpp:618
void gammaNFW(KappaType *gamma, PosType *x, PosType Rtrunc, PosType mass, PosType r_scale, PosType *center, PosType Sigma_crit)
Shear for and NFW halo. this might have a flaw in it.
Definition nfw_lens.cpp:56
void initFromMassFunc(float my_mass, float my_Rsize, float my_rscale, PosType my_slope, long *seed)
initialize from a mass function
Definition lens_halos.cpp:633
void set_RsizeXmax(float my_Rsize)
set Rsize, xmax and gmax
Definition lens_halos.h:816
static const PosType maxrm
maximum Rsize/rscale
Definition lens_halos.h:825
KappaType kappaNFW(PosType *x, PosType Rtrunc, PosType mass, PosType r_scale, PosType *center, PosType Sigma_crit)
Convergence for an NFW halo.
Definition nfw_lens.cpp:36
void set_rscaleXmax(float my_rscale)
Definition lens_halos.h:819
Shell constructor. Sets the halo to zero mass.
Definition lens_halos.cpp:365
PosType InterpolateFromTable(PosType *table, PosType y) const
interpolates from the specific tables
Definition lens_halos.cpp:566
static const long NTABLE
table size
Definition lens_halos.h:823
PosType dmoddb(int whichmod, PosType q, PosType b)
dbfunction and ddbfunction are approximation formulae for dbeta/dr and d^2beta/dr^2 whereas dbnum and...
Definition nfw_lens.cpp:205
static PosType * ftable
tables for lensing properties specific functions
Definition lens_halos.h:830
void assignParams(InputParams ¶ms)
read in parameters from a parameterfile in InputParams params
Definition lens_halos.cpp:583
PosType alpha_h(PosType x) const
r |alpha(r = x*rscale)| PI Sigma_crit / Mass
Definition lens_halos.h:842
void make_tables()
make the specific tables
Definition lens_halos.cpp:482
static int count
keeps track of how many time the tables are created, default is just once
Definition lens_halos.h:827
void alphaNFW(PosType *alpha, PosType *x, PosType Rtrunc, PosType mass, PosType r_scale, PosType *center, PosType Sigma_crit)
deflection caused by NFW halo
Definition nfw_lens.cpp:9
A class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma caused by a collection of halos with truncate...
Definition lens_halos.h:952
void initFromMassFunc(float my_mass, float my_Rsize, float my_rscale, PosType my_slope, long *seed)
set the slope of the surface density profile
Definition lens_halos.cpp:903
A class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma caused by a collection of halos with a double...
Definition lens_halos.h:880
void set_slope(PosType my_slope)
set the slope of the surface density profile
Definition lens_halos.h:892
PosType mhat(PosType y, PosType beta) const
Auxiliary function for PseudoNFW profile.
Definition lens_halos.cpp:724
void initFromMassFunc(float my_mass, float my_Rsize, float my_rscale, PosType my_slope, long *seed)
set Rsize
Definition lens_halos.cpp:770
shell constructor, should be avoided
Definition lens_halos.cpp:646
PosType get_slope()
initialize from a mass function
Definition lens_halos.h:894
Represents a non-singular isothermal elliptical lens.
Definition lens_halos.h:1023
void set_fratio(float my_fratio)
set the axis ratio
Definition lens_halos.h:1076
float get_pa()
get the position angle
Definition lens_halos.h:1067
PosType rmax_calc()
for the set fratio, sigma and rcore calculate the radius that contains the correct mass
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1154
void set_rcore(float my_rcore)
set the core radius Einstein radius
Definition lens_halos.h:1080
float rcore
core size of NSIE
Definition lens_halos.h:1112
float sigma
velocity dispersion of NSIE
Definition lens_halos.h:1106
void set_pa(float my_pa)
set the position angle
Definition lens_halos.h:1078
LensHaloRealNSIE(float my_mass, PosType my_zlens, float my_sigma, float my_rcore, float my_fratio, float my_pa, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo)
explicit constructor, Warning: If my_rcore > 0.0 and my_fratio < 1 then the mass will be somewhat les...
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1043
float get_sigma()
get the velocity dispersion
Definition lens_halos.h:1061
void force_halo(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0)
overridden function to calculate the lensing properties
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1938
float get_rcore()
get the core radius
Definition lens_halos.h:1069
float pa
position angle on sky, radians
Definition lens_halos.h:1110
void set_sigma(float my_sigma)
set the velocity dispersion
Definition lens_halos.h:1072
void assignParams(InputParams ¶ms)
initialize from a simulation file
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1108
float fratio
axis ratio of surface mass distribution
Definition lens_halos.h:1108
float get_fratio()
get the axis ratio
Definition lens_halos.h:1065
A truncated elliptical power-law profile.
Definition lens_halos.h:1224
LensHaloTEPL(float my_mass, PosType my_zlens, PosType r_trunc, PosType gamma, float my_fratio, float my_pa, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo, float f=10)
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1173
float get_rtrunc()
get the truncation radius
Definition lens_halos.h:1277
float get_pa()
get the position angle
Definition lens_halos.h:1275
float get_fratio()
get the axis ratio
Definition lens_halos.h:1273
float get_t()
get the power-law index
Definition lens_halos.h:1279
void force_halo(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0)
overridden function to calculate the lensing properties
Definition lens_halos.cpp:1209
Truncated non-singular isothermal ellipsoid.
Definition lens_halos.h:1135
float get_pa()
get the position angle
Definition lens_halos.h:1188
static double calc_sigma(float mass, float Rtrunc, float Rcore, float fratio)
returns the sigma in km / s for the other parameters fixed
Definition lens_halos.h:1174
float get_rcore()
get the core radius
Definition lens_halos.h:1190
float rcore
core size of NSIE
Definition lens_halos.h:1214
void force_halo(PosType *alpha, KappaType *kappa, KappaType *gamma, KappaType *phi, PosType const *xcm, bool subtract_point=false, PosType screening=1.0)
overridden function to calculate the lensing properties
Definition lens_halos.cpp:952
float rtrunc
core size of NSIE
Definition lens_halos.h:1216
void set_pa(float my_pa)
set the position angle
Definition lens_halos.h:1199
float fratio
axis ratio of surface mass distribution
Definition lens_halos.h:1210
float pa
position angle on sky, radians
Definition lens_halos.h:1212
float get_fratio()
get the axis ratio
Definition lens_halos.h:1186
float sigma
velocity dispersion of TNSIE
Definition lens_halos.h:1208
void assignParams(InputParams ¶ms)
read-in parameters from a parameter file
LensHaloTNSIE(float my_mass, PosType my_zlens, float my_sigma, float my_rcore, float my_fratio, float my_pa, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo, float f=20)
Definition lens_halos.cpp:927
float get_sigma()
get the velocity dispersion
Definition lens_halos.h:1182
float get_rtrunc()
get the truncation radius
Definition lens_halos.h:1192
Image structure that can be manipulated and exported to/from fits files.
Definition pixelmap.h:42
output lensing variables
Definition standard.h:89
Class for representing points or vectors in 2 dimensions. Not that the dereferencing operator is over...
Definition point.h:48