Gravitational Lensing Code Library
No Matches
MOKAmap Struct Reference

The MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it. More...

#include <MOKAlens.h>

Collaboration diagram for MOKAmap:

Public Member Functions

 MOKAmap (std::string MOKA_input_file, bool zeromean, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo)
void read (std::string MOKA_input_file, bool zeromean, const COSMOLOGY &cosmo)
void write (std::string filename)
 MOKAmap (const MOKAmap &map)
 MOKAmap (MOKAmap &&map)
MOKAmapoperator= (MOKAmap &&map)
MOKAmapoperator= (const MOKAmap &map)
void PreProcessFFTWMap (float zerosize)
 pre-process surface mass density map computing deflection angles and shear in FFT, generalized to work with rectangular maps

Public Attributes

std::valarray< double > surface_density
 values for the map
std::valarray< double > alpha1_bar
std::valarray< double > alpha2_bar
std::valarray< double > gamma1_bar
std::valarray< double > gamma2_bar
std::valarray< double > phi_bar
int nx
int ny
double zlens
 lens and source properties
double m
double zsource
double Dlens
double DLS
double DS
double c
double cS
double fsub
double mstar
double minsubmass
double boxlarcsec
 range in x direction, pix␟els are square
double boxlMpc
double boxlrad
double omegam
double omegal
double h
double wq
double inarcsec
Point_2d center

Detailed Description

The MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it.

The MOKA map, that is read in from the fits file. Its components include the lensing properties, as well as the cosmology, the size of the field of view, the redshifts of the lens and source, the properties of the cluster, etc.

Note: To use this class requires setting the ENABLE_FITS compiler flag and linking the cfits library.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: