Gravitational Lensing Code Library
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CBandInfoClass that contains information about bands
 CBeamA simplified data structure for use in interface with other codes
 CBranchThe box representing a branch of a binary tree structure. Used specifically in TreeStruct for organizing points in the grid
 CBranchNBBox representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in TreeNBStruct which is used in TreeForce
 CTreeSimpleVec< T, D >::BranchVBox representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in TreeNBStruct which is used in TreeForce
 CISOP::Rules::ClenshawCurtis< N >Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature data
 CCOSMOLOGYThe cosmology and all the functions required to calculated quantities based on the cosmology
 CCPFITS_READRead only fits file interface
 CCPFITS_READ_TABLESRead only fits file interface
 CUtilities::Geometry::CYCLICUsed so that an index will not go out of bounds, ie. CYCLIC[0]=0, CYCLIC[n]=0, CYCLIC[-1]=n-1, etc
 CUtilities::D2Matrix< T >2 dimensional matrix
 CUtilities::D3Matrix< T >3 dimensional matrix, fixed size
 CUtilities::DataFrame< T >Class for impoting data from a csv file and allowing label string lookup like a data frame
 CEllipticClass to convert isotropic LensHalos into elliptical halos
 CGridStructure to contain both source and image trees
 CGridMapA simplified version of the Grid structure for making non-adaptive maps of the lensing quantities (kappa, gamma, etc...)
 CHALOCalculatorClass for calculating the properties of NFW dark matter halos at a specified redshift and mass
 CUtilities::HilbertCurveClass for calculating the Hilbert curve distance in two dimensions
 CImageInfoStructure for storing information about images or curves
 CInputParamsStructure for reading and writing parameters to and from a parameter file as well as a container for passing the parameters to other classes and functions
 CUtilities::Interpolator< T >Bilinear interpolation class for interpolating from a 2D uniform grid
 CUtilities::Interpolator< PixelMap< double > >
 CISOP::isop_map< Function >Functor to transparently map [-1,1]x[-1,1] to interpolation space
 CTreeStruct::iteratorA iterator class fore TreeStruct that allows for movement through the tree without changing anything in the tree itself
 CKistUnit< T >Internal container used in Kist container class
 CLensA class to represents a lens with multiple planes
 CLensHaloA base class for all types of lensing "halos" which are any mass distribution that cause lensing
 CLensMapThe MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it
 CLensPlaneBase class representing a plane in redshift onto which lenses are placed
 CISOP::Rules::LobattoKronrod< N >Lobatto-Kronrod quadrature data
 CMakeParticleLensesA class for constructing LensHalos from particles in a data file
 CMemmoryBank< T >
 CMemmoryBank< Point >
 CUtilities::MixedVector< BaseT >A container that can hold mixed objects all derived from a base class and retains the ability to access derived class functions/members
 CUtilities::MixedVector< BaseT * >A MixedVector for pointers
 CUtilities::MixedVector< LensHalo * >
 CMOKAmapThe MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it
 CMultiGridSmootherWarning: Not tested yet. Class for doing adaptive smoothing using multiply resolution grids
 CNFW_UtilityClass for calculating properties of NFW halo profile
 CObservationIt creates a realistic image from the output of a ray-tracing simulation
 CObsVISIt creates a realistic image from the output of a ray-tracing simulation
 COldImageInfoThis is an old version that should not be used anymore in favor of ImageInfo
 CParticleType2DAtomic data class for simulation particles of the same size and mass
 CParticleTypeSimpleAtomic data class for simulation particles of the same size and mass
 CPixelMap< T >Image structure that can be manipulated and exported to/from fits files
 CPixelMap< double >
 CPoint_2dClass for representing points or vectors in 2 dimensions. Not that the dereferencing operator is overridden
 CPoint_3d< T >Class for representing points or vectors in 3 dimensions. Not that the dereferencing operator is overridden
 CPoint_nd< T >
 CPoint_nd< PosType >
 CPointListLink list for points, uses the linking pointers within the Point type unlike Kist
 CQBiterator< PType >A iterator class fore TreeStruct that allows for movement through the tree without changing anything in the tree itself
 CQBranchNBBox representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in QTreeNB which is used in TreeQuad
 CQTreeNB< PType >QTreeNB: Tree structure used for force calculation with particles (i.e. stars, Nbody or halos)
 CQTreeNB< ParticleType< float > >
 CQTreeNB< PType >
 CISOP::quadrature_resultResult of numerical integration
 CISOP::detail::quadrature_taskSubdivided area in quadrature with value and error estimate
 CQuasarLFPointer to surface brightness function
 CUtilities::RandomNumbers_NRThis is a class for generating random numbers. It simplifies and fool proofs initialization and allows for multiple independent series of numbers
 CRAYSimple representaion of a light path giving position on the image and source planes and lensing quantities
 CUtilities::ShuffledIndex< R >Gives a randomized sequence of numbers from 0 to N-1
 Csimple_analytic_lensA simplified version of LensHaloAnaNSIE
 CSlicer< V, L, R >
 CSourceBase class for all sources
 CSourceFunctorFunctor to turn sources into binary functions
 CUtilities::Geometry::SphericalPoint< T >Point in spherical coordinates, theta = 0 is equator
 CUtilities::Geometry::SphericalPoint< PosType >
 CUtilities::Geometry::SphericalPoint< T >
 CStarTypeAtomic data class for stars with different masses
 CUtilities::SUMMER< T >Class for adding large amounts of numbers with less error than the simple sum
 CSunInfoClass that contains information about the solar SED and magnitudes
 CUtilities::SymmetricMatrix< T >Symetric matrix
 CTreeNBStruct< PType >TreeNBStruct: Tree structure used for force calculation with particles (i.e. stars, Nbody or halos)
 CTreeQuadParticles< PType >TreeQuadParticles is a class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma by tree method
 CTreeQuadParticles< ParticleType< float > >
 CTreeSimple< PType >A C++ class wrapper for the bianary treeNB used in the Nbody force calculation, but also useful for general purpose searches
 CTreeSimpleVec< T, D >A tree for doing quick searches in multidimensional space. A pointer to an array of objects type T is provided. If they are in a vector, can be put in the constructor. The order of objects in the array is not changed. If Mypos is not specified the method D * T::x() must exist. It is this coordinate that is used for the object's position. Another definition for the position of and object can made by specifying Mypos
 CTreeSimpleVec< SourceOverzierPlus >
 CTreeStructTree: Exported struct