Gravitational Lensing Code Library
CBandInfo | Class that contains information about bands |
CBeam | A simplified data structure for use in interface with other codes |
CBranch | The box representing a branch of a binary tree structure. Used specifically in TreeStruct for organizing points in the grid |
CBranchNB | Box representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in TreeNBStruct which is used in TreeForce |
CTreeSimpleVec< T, D >::BranchV | Box representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in TreeNBStruct which is used in TreeForce |
CISOP::Rules::ClenshawCurtis< N > | Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature data |
CCOSMOLOGY | The cosmology and all the functions required to calculated quantities based on the cosmology |
CCPFITS_READ | Read only fits file interface |
CCPFITS_READ_TABLES | Read only fits file interface |
CUtilities::Geometry::CYCLIC | Used so that an index will not go out of bounds, ie. CYCLIC[0]=0, CYCLIC[n]=0, CYCLIC[-1]=n-1, etc |
CUtilities::D2Matrix< T > | 2 dimensional matrix |
CUtilities::D3Matrix< T > | 3 dimensional matrix, fixed size |
CUtilities::DataFrame< T > | Class for impoting data from a csv file and allowing label string lookup like a data frame |
CElliptic | Class to convert isotropic LensHalos into elliptical halos |
CGrid | Structure to contain both source and image trees |
CGridMap | A simplified version of the Grid structure for making non-adaptive maps of the lensing quantities (kappa, gamma, etc...) |
CHALOCalculator | Class for calculating the properties of NFW dark matter halos at a specified redshift and mass |
CUtilities::HilbertCurve | Class for calculating the Hilbert curve distance in two dimensions |
CImageInfo | Structure for storing information about images or curves |
CInputParams | Structure for reading and writing parameters to and from a parameter file as well as a container for passing the parameters to other classes and functions |
CUtilities::Interpolator< T > | Bilinear interpolation class for interpolating from a 2D uniform grid |
CUtilities::Interpolator< PixelMap< double > > | |
CISOP::isop_map< Function > | Functor to transparently map [-1,1]x[-1,1] to interpolation space |
CTreeStruct::iterator | A iterator class fore TreeStruct that allows for movement through the tree without changing anything in the tree itself |
CKistUnit< T > | Internal container used in Kist container class |
CLens | A class to represents a lens with multiple planes |
►CLensHalo | A base class for all types of lensing "halos" which are any mass distribution that cause lensing |
CLensMap | The MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it |
►CLensPlane | Base class representing a plane in redshift onto which lenses are placed |
CISOP::Rules::LobattoKronrod< N > | Lobatto-Kronrod quadrature data |
CMakeParticleLenses | A class for constructing LensHalos from particles in a data file |
CMemmoryBank< T > | |
CMemmoryBank< Point > | |
CUtilities::MixedVector< BaseT > | A container that can hold mixed objects all derived from a base class and retains the ability to access derived class functions/members |
CUtilities::MixedVector< BaseT * > | A MixedVector for pointers |
CUtilities::MixedVector< LensHalo * > | |
CMOKAmap | The MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it |
CMultiGridSmoother | Warning: Not tested yet. Class for doing adaptive smoothing using multiply resolution grids |
CNFW_Utility | Class for calculating properties of NFW halo profile |
CObservation | It creates a realistic image from the output of a ray-tracing simulation |
CObsVIS | It creates a realistic image from the output of a ray-tracing simulation |
COldImageInfo | This is an old version that should not be used anymore in favor of ImageInfo |
CParticleType2D | Atomic data class for simulation particles of the same size and mass |
CParticleTypeSimple | Atomic data class for simulation particles of the same size and mass |
CPixelMap< T > | Image structure that can be manipulated and exported to/from fits files |
CPixelMap< double > | |
►CPoint_2d | Class for representing points or vectors in 2 dimensions. Not that the dereferencing operator is overridden |
CPoint_3d< T > | Class for representing points or vectors in 3 dimensions. Not that the dereferencing operator is overridden |
CPoint_nd< T > | |
CPoint_nd< PosType > | |
CPointList | Link list for points, uses the linking pointers within the Point type unlike Kist |
CQBiterator< PType > | A iterator class fore TreeStruct that allows for movement through the tree without changing anything in the tree itself |
CQBranchNB | Box representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in QTreeNB which is used in TreeQuad |
CQTreeNB< PType > | QTreeNB: Tree structure used for force calculation with particles (i.e. stars, Nbody or halos) |
CQTreeNB< ParticleType< float > > | |
CQTreeNB< PType > | |
CISOP::quadrature_result | Result of numerical integration |
CISOP::detail::quadrature_task | Subdivided area in quadrature with value and error estimate |
CQuasarLF | Pointer to surface brightness function |
CUtilities::RandomNumbers_NR | This is a class for generating random numbers. It simplifies and fool proofs initialization and allows for multiple independent series of numbers |
CRAY | Simple representaion of a light path giving position on the image and source planes and lensing quantities |
CUtilities::ShuffledIndex< R > | Gives a randomized sequence of numbers from 0 to N-1 |
Csimple_analytic_lens | A simplified version of LensHaloAnaNSIE |
CSlicer< V, L, R > | |
►CSource | Base class for all sources |
CSourceFunctor | Functor to turn sources into binary functions |
CUtilities::Geometry::SphericalPoint< T > | Point in spherical coordinates, theta = 0 is equator |
CUtilities::Geometry::SphericalPoint< PosType > | |
►CUtilities::Geometry::SphericalPoint< T > | |
CStarType | Atomic data class for stars with different masses |
CUtilities::SUMMER< T > | Class for adding large amounts of numbers with less error than the simple sum |
CSunInfo | Class that contains information about the solar SED and magnitudes |
CUtilities::SymmetricMatrix< T > | Symetric matrix |
CTreeNBStruct< PType > | TreeNBStruct: Tree structure used for force calculation with particles (i.e. stars, Nbody or halos) |
CTreeQuadParticles< PType > | TreeQuadParticles is a class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma by tree method |
CTreeQuadParticles< ParticleType< float > > | |
►CTreeSimple< PType > | A C++ class wrapper for the bianary treeNB used in the Nbody force calculation, but also useful for general purpose searches |
CTreeSimpleVec< T, D > | A tree for doing quick searches in multidimensional space. A pointer to an array of objects type T is provided. If they are in a vector, can be put in the constructor. The order of objects in the array is not changed. If Mypos is not specified the method D * T::x() must exist. It is this coordinate that is used for the object's position. Another definition for the position of and object can made by specifying Mypos |
CTreeSimpleVec< SourceOverzierPlus > | |
CTreeStruct | Tree: Exported struct |