Gravitational Lensing Code Library
►NISOP | ISOP namespace is for functions related to isoparametric interpolation |
►NUtilities | |
CBandInfo | Class that contains information about bands |
CBeam | A simplified data structure for use in interface with other codes |
CBranch | The box representing a branch of a binary tree structure. Used specifically in TreeStruct for organizing points in the grid |
CBranchNB | Box representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in TreeNBStruct which is used in TreeForce |
CCOSMOLOGY | The cosmology and all the functions required to calculated quantities based on the cosmology |
CCPFITS_READ | Read only fits file interface |
CCPFITS_READ_TABLES | Read only fits file interface |
CElliptic | Class to convert isotropic LensHalos into elliptical halos |
CGrid | Structure to contain both source and image trees |
CGridMap | A simplified version of the Grid structure for making non-adaptive maps of the lensing quantities (kappa, gamma, etc...) |
CHALOCalculator | Class for calculating the properties of NFW dark matter halos at a specified redshift and mass |
CImageInfo | Structure for storing information about images or curves |
CInputParams | Structure for reading and writing parameters to and from a parameter file as well as a container for passing the parameters to other classes and functions |
CKistUnit | Internal container used in Kist container class |
CLens | A class to represents a lens with multiple planes |
CLensHalo | A base class for all types of lensing "halos" which are any mass distribution that cause lensing |
CLensHaloAnaNSIE | A NSIE lens with distortions in shape, substructures and stars included |
CLensHaloDisk | Creates a exponential disk out of particles |
CLensHaloDummy | This is a lens that does no lensing. It is useful for testing and for running refinement code on sources |
CLensHaloFit | LensHalo class primarily used for fitting point source lenses |
CLensHaloMassMap | A class that includes the MOKA lens map |
CLensHaloMultiMap | A lens halo that calculates all lensing quantities on two grids - a low res long range grid and a high res short range grid. This is done to reduce the required memory required |
CLensHaloNFW | A class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma caused by an NFW halos |
CLensHaloParticles | A class that represents the lensing by a collection of simulation particles |
CLensHaloPowerLaw | A class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma caused by a collection of halos with truncated power-law mass profiles |
CLensHaloPseudoNFW | A class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma caused by a collection of halos with a double power-law mass profile |
CLensHaloRealNSIE | Represents a non-singular isothermal elliptical lens |
CLensHaloTEPL | A truncated elliptical power-law profile |
CLensHaloTNSIE | Truncated non-singular isothermal ellipsoid |
CLensHaloUniform | A uniform surface density and shear lens |
CLensMap | The MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it |
CLensPlane | Base class representing a plane in redshift onto which lenses are placed |
CLensPlaneSingular | A LensPlane with a list of LensHalo's in it. |
CLensPlaneTree | A LensPlane with a TreeQuad on it to calculate the deflection caused by field lenses |
CLinkedPoint | A point that automatically has an image point |
CMakeParticleLenses | A class for constructing LensHalos from particles in a data file |
CMemmoryBank | |
CMOKAmap | The MOKA map structure, containing all quantities that define it |
CMultiGridSmoother | Warning: Not tested yet. Class for doing adaptive smoothing using multiply resolution grids |
CNFW_Utility | Class for calculating properties of NFW halo profile |
CObservation | It creates a realistic image from the output of a ray-tracing simulation |
CObsVIS | It creates a realistic image from the output of a ray-tracing simulation |
COldImageInfo | This is an old version that should not be used anymore in favor of ImageInfo |
CParticleType2D | Atomic data class for simulation particles of the same size and mass |
CParticleTypeSimple | Atomic data class for simulation particles of the same size and mass |
CPixelMap | Image structure that can be manipulated and exported to/from fits files |
CPoint | A point on the source or image plane that contains a position and the lensing quantities |
CPoint_2d | Class for representing points or vectors in 2 dimensions. Not that the dereferencing operator is overridden |
CPoint_3d | Class for representing points or vectors in 3 dimensions. Not that the dereferencing operator is overridden |
CPoint_nd | |
CPointList | Link list for points, uses the linking pointers within the Point type unlike Kist |
CPolar | This data class represents a postion inspherical coordinates and a polarization relative to the sphircal coordinate system |
CQBiterator | A iterator class fore TreeStruct that allows for movement through the tree without changing anything in the tree itself |
CQBranchNB | Box representing a branch in a tree. It has four children. Used in QTreeNB which is used in TreeQuad |
CQTreeNB | QTreeNB: Tree structure used for force calculation with particles (i.e. stars, Nbody or halos) |
CQuasarLF | Pointer to surface brightness function |
CRAY | Simple representaion of a light path giving position on the image and source planes and lensing quantities |
Csimple_analytic_lens | A simplified version of LensHaloAnaNSIE |
CSlicer | |
CSource | Base class for all sources |
CSourceBLR | Base class for all sources representing the Broad Line Region (BLR) of a AGN/QSO |
CSourceBLRDisk | A source representing a BLR with a Keplarian disk |
CSourceBLRSph1 | A source representing a BLR with a spherical symmetry and circular orbits |
CSourceBLRSph2 | A source representing a BLR with a spherical symmetry and random velocity dispersion |
CSourceFunctor | Functor to turn sources into binary functions |
CSourceMultiAnaGalaxy | Source that represents an analytic galaxy surface brightness model. It encapsulates a OverzierSource which is a model from R.Overzier et al. 2012 with a bulge and a disk |
CSourceMultiShapelets | Class for reading in and handling an array of SourceShapelets, made on the model of SourceMultiAnaGalaxy Galaxies are read from files in a predifined directory and put into a std::vector that allows sorting in redshift and magnitude. An individual object can be get via CurrentGalaxy() or the overloaded operator [] |
CSourceOverzier | Structure for holding parameters for one or more galaxy images according to the Overzier model |
CSourceOverzierPlus | Adds some extra features to the SourceOverzier source like spiral arms, and randomizations |
CSourcePixelled | Class for sources described by an array of pixels |
CSourcePoint | A uniform surface brightness circular source |
CSourceSersic | Class for sources described by a Sersic profile |
CSourceShapelets | Class for sources described by shapelets |
CSourceUniform | A uniform surface brightness circular source |
CStarType | Atomic data class for stars with different masses |
CSunInfo | Class that contains information about the solar SED and magnitudes |
CTreeForce | Object used to calculate the force or deflection caused by a collection of "particles" by the tree method |
CTreeNBStruct | TreeNBStruct: Tree structure used for force calculation with particles (i.e. stars, Nbody or halos) |
CTreeQuadParticles | TreeQuadParticles is a class for calculating the deflection, kappa and gamma by tree method |
CTreeSimple | A C++ class wrapper for the bianary treeNB used in the Nbody force calculation, but also useful for general purpose searches |
►CTreeSimpleVec | A tree for doing quick searches in multidimensional space. A pointer to an array of objects type T is provided. If they are in a vector, can be put in the constructor. The order of objects in the array is not changed. If Mypos is not specified the method D * T::x() must exist. It is this coordinate that is used for the object's position. Another definition for the position of and object can made by specifying Mypos |
►CTreeStruct | Tree: Exported struct |